"Why do people feel sad and devastated thinking about their own deaths?" This was a question from Pranay after a very very long time. It was a bit strange too.He usually didn't ask questions of this type.The question piqued me.
"Why are you asking me this question?"
"I want to find out the truths of the things you are telling us...Can anyone die without fear?"
Imtiaz chuckled.
"My answer to your first question is that people on Earth take all the things they see for real.They believe innocently that the world is real.On the other hand true seekers know that the Reality is not physical. It is the only Truth.To know the Reality means to be It.You are not part of the Absolute but you yourself are the Absolute."
"Can I discover the Absolute...?"
"Yes you can..."
"Pray to the Lord. Or try to do something you think beyond your capacity.." I said.
"I don't get you..."
I said,"If you start your search for Him,He will pave the path for your enlightenment.
He inspires you to do something that you finally fail to do.Being your only true well-wisher here,He will shatter your pride with the help of utmost suffering.He will burn your beautiful dreams to nothingness, subjecting you to insults and humiliations endless....so that your eyes may see the bare and the naked Truth or the Absolute.""Then it's very difficult to realise the Absolute..."he said.
"Yes Nature has its forces which are working every moment to withhold the knowledge of Truth from you. When you fall down,people come down to help you to get up.But He doesn't do that because He loves you.He knows that the fall was meant for your spiritual wellbeing.."
"That seems strange..."
I said,"Yes,strange but true...He can withhold the forces of Nature like people around you from helping you to your feet.Then you curse them.You have nothing but bitterness for them."
"Is it good not to help someone in suffering... ?"
"You see someone is very hungry..In that case give them food. Someone doesn't have sufficient clothing,give them some. But if someone is crying for big money, or a very beautiful wife or a very prestigious job, do ignore them all. 99% of man's suffering originates in greed.You know very well about the modern society science has gifted you. You know how much suffering is there in it.Yet you call it excellent. The increase of suffering on Earth is,however,also a hopeful and beautiful sign. I don't think there were as many highly ambitious men and women in society at any other time as in ours.Unless you experience suffering,how can you acquire true wisdom...?"
"Those who are truly wise look at the dark side of life... ?"
"You are absolutely right..!"
"You thought motivational speakers were the Solomons of our times..?I have a very low opinion of these worldly wise people. They have set themselves very selfish and narrow goals. They inspire you to take the path of success;but I ask people to go the cancer hospitals and see the suffering of the victims there;I ask you to go the cremation grounds,see dead bodies there and pray to Lord Shiva and Mother Kali to bless you with non-attachment,to teach you how to be hundred percent free from the cruel and arrogant world.
Pranay laughed and said,"You sound very strange,uncle..."
I knew why Pranay was so much preoccupied with the word "strange." When I related facts and truths people close to me thought I was crazy but if some told them lies,they would listen to them thoughtfully.Let us take the example of motivational speakers. They tell you how to achieve material prosperity. In order words,
they are encouraging you to be hundred percent attached to this world of misery, intense pain,disappointments,disease,death and suffering.Okay follow them and achieve materialistic successes. The more are your costly belongings and assets,the deeper and harder is your suffering before your departure from this storehouse of afflictions, both mental and physical.The time has come when we have to simplify our lifestyle. Poverty...yes utter poverty can give us the highest kind of bliss. If a man begins to compete with other men to be poorer than them,he will become the most powerful king on Earth.Let us try our utmost to discard the thoughts of a better life that each of us are harbouring in our minds and hearts because this nothing but running after an illusion. Look if I am discarding my possessions to be poor and a friend of mine is acquiring those,who is going to achieve true success? I can reach my target for sure but he can't. He will have to run after them all life.My sister was listening to me.She was full of fear and panic,worried that I was perhaps heading towards another long spell of madness that I had experienced in 1997.She told Pranay and Imtiaz not to discuss God and religion with me.She narrated in brief how I had gone mad in 1997.
The topic of discussion took a new turn when Pranay opened the issue of unemployment in India and in the world. I agreed with him in calling unemployment the biggest problem today. I had to tell them only one thing.What each and every country and the world wanted was unity----strong and unbreakable unity.If fifty or hundred people got united they could achieve a goal which a single individual could never. Disunity and divisions have been the bane of mankind since the beginning of civilisations.The topic of unity emerged since my wife was involved in some kind of networking which barely needed some forty fifty people who had to be in a very strong and stable bonding.
When one is thinking about doing harm to another,he is merely preventing them from rising higher. If man adopts constructive approaches he can achieve much too greater good than those who are terrorising their brothers and trying to clamp their hegemony on them.The present day world can achieve unprecedented successes in each and every field if people get united. The only thing that can beat back violence and destructive activities is unity..I should say indestructible unity. Every plight facing us today is because of lack of unity.

ФэнтезиA STORY THAT IS 99% TRUE.IF I CAN HELP SOME THREE OR FOUR PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THE ALMIGHTY,MY GOAL OF WRITING THIS BOOK WILL BE 100% FULFILLED... 99% TRUE because the strange and macabre incidents I have narrated in the book may not be in the right...