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Mom:"what is it honey?"

Minju:"i want to ask something"

Mom:"okay go ahead"

Minju:"when did i join the modeling competition?"

Mom:"it's in 2016 back then when you were in highschool. Why did you ask?"

Minju:"5 years ago? The year when i was in a hospital?"


Minju:"wow that's long time ago.. the parcel is actually from a fan"


Minju:"yeah he or she i dont know write this"

Minju handed the letter to her mother and her mother read it. After she's done reading it, she gave the letter back to minju and start to feel scared.

Minju:"mom why are you sweating? Are you hiding something from me?"

Her mom started to sweat a little bit. Minju put a slow touch on he mother's shoulder.

Minju:"Seolma...are you my fan?!"

Her mom burst into a laughter and a feel relieved for a seccond.

Mom:"i will always be your fan but this not from me. Its not my handwriting"

Minju:"oops i just realised. But this handwriting is familiar..have i seen it somewhere?"

Minju go back to her room and took a chocolate and put it in her mouth. She closed her eyes and started to smile. She shaked her hands in a happy mood.

Minju:"this is so delicious!! I guess my fan knows me well. I love white chocolate!"

She closed the chocolate box and went to the toilet and brush her teeth. She tucked herself in the bed and drove to the dreamland.


"Kim minju-ssi i bet you dont remember me right?"

"What do you mean?i dont even know who you are and yet you tell me that i didnt remember you. Have we met somewhere?"

"Yes weve been together since were young"

"Who are you! Are you a stalker?"

"You dont remember me because of your amnesia, i will bring back our memory"

"Why would you?"

"Because i love you. I will protect you and i will bring you closer to me"

"Wait!wait!! WAIT!!!!"


PAK! minju's head were hitting the table.

Minju:"so it was a dream.."

She sigh and get up and get ready to go to work. She put on a white crop top and a green coloured shorts. The shorts were down to her knee. She went outside in her way out,she took a container that has a sandwich her mom made in the morning and head out. She decided to walk to the craftshop because of the dream, she waked early. In every step, she's only think about her dream.

Minju:"huh..what a weird dream..i wonder who is he"

After she arrived at the shop,as usual she opened the shop and the count of customer is getting bigger but all day long minju only sit and think about the dream.

Chaewon:"yah, are you okay? You've been staring at the door for a long time"

Minju just kept silent.

Chaewon:"im going to a cafe,do you need something to drink?"

Minju:"just get me iced americano"

Chaewon:"alright then"

Chaewon went to the cafe and bought some drinks for the workers. She came back and pass the drink to minju and hyewon. Chaewon went to hyewon and ask her.

Chaewon:"is there a problem with minju?i've never seen her to zone out this much"

Hyewon:"maybe dating problems?"

Chaewon:"minju is dating someone?"

Hyewon:"i dont know im just guessing,lets continue work or not she will be mad"

Chaewon:"then what about her?"

Hyewon:"just let her be"

In the evening where every customer is getting home and the staff is setting to close the shop,minju is still zoning out and think about her dream.

Hyewon:"yah minju! Stop zoning out! Its already 6:00 pm, dont you want to go home?"

Minju:"huh? Already? Im really sorry its just...something is bothering me today..tomorrow i promise i'll do all the work! You guys can rest tomorrow."

Chaewon:"does it mean we dont have to come and work?"

Minju:"yeah thats right"

Chaewon:"Assa!!thank you babe love you"

She wink at minju and both of them head out. Step by step minju walked down the street going back to her home. She feels a little dizzy. In her mind she just say forget it. Its just a dream. Suddenly she faint and fell down at the street.



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