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Father:"It has a reason, now you're all grown up, you should be married. And.. he likes you"

Minju:"then what about me?! Did you think about me? I have feelings too!"


Her dad really make her pissed of. She stood up and took her bag. She ran to her room and slam the door.

She sat on the bed and cry. For no reason, she thinks that her father is may be cruel but she also thinks that her fathers decision is the best. Because if her fathers decision is not good then her mother would resist it but this time her mother agreed on her father.

Minju:"but still...they have to think about my feelings too.."

A tear falls down from her eyes non-stop.

knock knock!

A sudden knock on the door shook her and make her stop crying. She wipe her tears away and walk to the door.

Minju:"who is it?"

She asked without opening the door.

Inseong:"its me, inseong"

She opened the door slowly revealing inseong standing infront of it with some bunch of snacks in his hands. He walked in and sat at the couch in her room and put the snackes at the table.

Inseong:"i know you will not go out for lunch and dinner, so i bought you some snacks to fill your stomach"

Minju:"you worried about me but yet you still feeding me unhealthy foods huh?"

Inseong:"yea..kind of? It is for making you brighten up. Here some grape flavoured yogurt and some sausages. Dont cry. Its going to be okay. Dads love you..thats why he's doing this"

Minju:"thanks a lot oppa..i appreciate it. Can you please give me some hugs?"

Inseong chuckled and opened his arms to let his sister huged him.

"I wish taeyang will give minju lots of love and hugs"

After they broke the hug, inseong head outside of the room and close the door. He walk to the living room and sit at the couch with his parents.

Father:"how was it going?"

Inseong:"she's going to be okay. I've already talked to her"

Mom:"fuh...that was easy, i thought it would be so hard"

Inseong:"mom, i've known minju since she was born. You gave her lots of snack, then she will get better. She loves snacks. Most important! Yogurt and ice cream"

Father:"she only loves food thats why she didnt have a boyfriend"

Her mom smack his father on his shoulder and told him not to talk like that. She'll worried if minju will hear it and how sad she could be hearing that words from her dad.


After minju's feeling cooled down in about a week amd a day, she finally agreed to be married with whoever the guy thats her father choose. Although she didn't like it but she had to follow her father because she is a good daughter. But minju is still not happy and hate the fact that she's going to be married with taeyang.

"He looks like a playboy, if my marriage life doesn't make me happy then i'll get divorce. By then i should have a boyfriend,i guess"

She said to herself whilst brushing her hair infront of the mirror. After She's done brushing her hair, she sprayed some pefume and head outside.

"Today is the day i get to pick my own wedding dress. It doesn't mean that i cant choose my wedding dress if dont let me choose a person to marry"


A month preparation for her wedding with all of her friends and families help, finally, counting days to be bride. Minju sat at living room couch and take a look at the calendar.

Minju:"twenty-one,twenty-two,twenty-three? I have two days left and im sure i can rest and gather all of my energy in the short amount of day"

Suddenly her father walks out from his room and sat besude minju and watch tv. She looked kinda scared because after she yells at her father, she rarely talk to him. She never done that so she felt so guilty.


Father:"what is it?"

Minju:"im sorry for yelling at you that day"

Father:"its okay minju-ya..i understand it. If i were you i would yell too because im upset. I should understand you better.."

Minju:"appa dont say that..you've always be the best father for me and no one can replace you"

Minju said while she hold her fathers hand.

Father:"aww..i love you my daughter.."

Minju:"I love you too dad"


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