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I opened my eyes slowly as i felt dizzy. I saw a white ceiling and a very bright light.

Minju:"where am i?"

I sat up and then i realized that i was at a hospital.

"Ah..i must be faint"

Mom:"minju-yah! Are you okay?"

Minju:"yes im feeling a little dizzy but thats okay..eomma,who brought me here?"

Mom:"your friend"

Minju:"who? Heoyoon eonni?"

Mom:" not her but, your highschool friend chani, you may not remember him. He said he was about to visit your shop then he saw you on the floor. So he brought you here and call me to come"

Minju:"i know him, where is he?"

Mom:"he said he have to go because he had some work"

I nodded and rested my head on my mothers shoulder. Maybe i dont have to think about my dream anymore. Its just a dream. Why would i care. Suddenly the door is opened and i saw a doctor comming towards me and check my heartbeat and looked at the paper board where doctors update their patients.

Doctor:"young lady, do you know why did you come to hospital?"

Minju:"because i fell down and faint?"

Doctor:"yes it is and your blood is lack of sugar, what did you eat today?"

Minju:"for breakfast i ate egg sandwich and coffee then i didn't eat lunch"

Doctor:"thats why, you'll be staying here for one more night and we will check you once again in the night and tomorrow morning. If your blood pressure is okay then you can go home"

Minju:"thank you doctor"

The doctor smiles to her and get out from the room.


Her mom holds her hand and pat it slowly.

Mom:"Is there something happend at work? Something bothering you?"

Minju:" nothing much but..there is something that bothers me so much."

Mom:"what is it darling?"

Minju:"i just had a bad dream last night and it bothers me so much i dont know why.."

Mom:"dont worry its just a dream..now rest much as you could. Dont think about it, the dream may be a some clue to your future? Just rest. Forget about your dream okay?"

Minju nodded and smiled at her mom. Suddenly her mom's phone ringing.

Mom:"eo? Your father called, wait a sec"

"Eo yeobo wae?"
"now? But im at hospital!"
"What? Will she be okay with that?!"
"Alright okay okay"


Mom:"i have to go home, you can sit here tonight right?"

Minju:"yeah, you should go home if dad's looking for you"

Mom:"i will call your brother to come and sleep here tonight okay?"

Minju nodded as she looked her mom leaving and closed the door. Not long after that a nurse came in with dinner.

Nurse:"miss, this is your done, if youre done with the dinner then put it aside. At 9:00 pm we will pick up the tray.


The nurse went out and minju started to eat her dinner.

"It taste like nothing..how can i eat this.."

Minju doesn't have a choice than eating it. She only ate half of it then she put the tray aside. She took her phone and scroll insta looking for something to entertained her.

Minju:"huh..im thinking to much. I have to stop"

She turn her head to the door as she hear the door was opened.


She smile brightly and was trying to stand up but her brother ran to stop her.

Minju:"long time no see. How was your entertaining show company, Kim Inseong?"


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