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Minju change her clothes to a pajamas and head to the kitchen.
She start to look at some ingredient in the freezer. She clicked her tounge and walk to the room where taeyang sit.

Minju:"taeyang-ssi,what do you want for dinner?"

She receive no answer. She walk slowly to the bed and sat down beside him.


Taeyang looked at minju with a sorrowfull eyes. Suddenly his eyes became watery untill a tear drop from his eyes (ttuk ttuk ttuk).

Minju was shocked and ask him if there was a problem.

Minju:"taeyang-ssi, are you okay? Why? Did i made a mistake?"


Minju:"who drive you home?"

Taeyang:"juho hyung. You know him?"

Minju:"yes. I know him"

He took her hand and put it on his shoulder. He moved closely to her and hug her.

Taeyang:"cant we be like this for a minnute?..please.."


Minju feels a little pity to him. At the same time she feels something that she didn't expect to feel. Comfortable.


Taeyang:"what were you asking just now?"

Minju:"what do you want to eat?"

Taeyang:"hmm im craving for bibim guksu"

Minju:"eo? That will be take a long time to prepare it"

Taeyang:"how about we order it at the restaurant?it has delivery service right?"

Minju:"i think so. That will be good"

Taeyang:"okay then, i'll call the shop"

Minju stood up and went to the kitchen again.

"How can i feel that. Im not that easy to befriend with people"

After 20 minnutes after he call the shop, the food arrives and they dig in.

Minju:"taeyang-ssi, may i ask you?"

Taeyang:"ask what?"

Minju:"do you have some problem? Or did i make you upset somehow?"

Taeyang:"nah, im okay, i just have some problem with a friend"

Minju:"hmm taeyang-ssi, if you have a problem, just tell me. Well we are not quite close to do but..who knows i can help you?"

Taeyang:"alright I will. Thanks minju-yah. Your existence already made my problem goes away"

She smile akwardly and nodded, then they continued eating untill they're full.

Taeyang:"i'll go sleep first okay"

Minju:"oh okay~"

"Ew what..why did i reply like that"


Minju:"oppa,can we meet?"

Oppa:"oh alright. Where do we meet?"

Minju:"can we meet at your dorm?"

Oppa:"yeah why not"

Minju:"okay i'll come in 10 minnutes"


Minju took her bike and ride it to a dorm. As she arrive she take the stairs and head to the dorm door.


Zuho opens the door and lead her inside. He pulled the counter chair and let her sit.

Zuho:"what do you want to talk about? Did taeyang knows you here?"

Minju:"he doesn't know im here. Dont tell him. I wanted to ask about him. What's with him? He seems like he has a bad day."

Zuho:"nothing happend. Why?"

Minju:"you better not lie to me oppa! Or i'll tell inseong to beat you. When we went home he suddenly cry"

Zuho:"maybe he miss his parents i guess"

Minju:"im going to call inseong"

Zuho:"dont,dont! Okay i'll tell you"

Minju:"okay tell me now"

Zuho:"this afternoon, he met someone"

Minju:"and who's that someone is?"

Zuho:"his ex"


Zuho:"his ex ask for a getback and he said that he is married now so he cant see her anymore. But she refused and she said that she will get him back"

Minju:"did he break up with her just to marry me?"

Zuho:"no. That girl cheated on him"

Minju:"oh..what a shame.."

Zuho:"so youre here just to ask that?"

Minju:"yeah. Taeyang wont talk to me about it. So i got curious"

Zuho:"hmm..you better go home now or not he will get worried"

Minju:"ne oppa, bye"

She stood up and hug zuho. Lastly she wave her hands towards him and get back home.


"Mianhe..i didn't meant to hurt you."

"Who are you! Why are you always in my dream!"

"I failed to protect you"

"What do you mean!?!?"

"Please forgive me.."

"I dont understand it!! What is this!! Wait comeback!!"


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