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A month has passed, minju felt comfortable as she lived with taeyang and break the walls between them little by little. But there is something that still bothers her. Once a week when Taeyang gets home, his mood wasnt like always. He always talk to minju right after he comeback but these days he doesnt do that.

Minju knows what's with him and she is scared to ask. She thought that asking him maybe a little rude because she doesnt even know her.

"his ex must've been clinging to him"

She's kinda mad but she has to understand Taeyang's certain problem . And she always wondered why didn't Taeyang tell her about the story. They share all of their story but minju never heard about his "ex" story.

"I must find out what is this about"

"I must ask juho oppa"


"Oppa are you free?"

"Why?you wanna meet? Is it about taeyang again?"

"Yeah..i want to ask you about something. About his ex"

"Do you guys fight?what about his ex?"

"No we didnt fight"

"Minju-yah im sorry but i've got some plans to do and im very busy these days. Im very very sorry. I'll talk to you next time. Bye!"

Minju feels so empty and try to find a way so she can help him. But unfortunately she doesnt have an idea. She wanted to ask chani, but chani is on a holiday with his family so she doesn't want to bother him.

"Should i ask inseong oppa?"

"Ugh i forgot..inseong went to rock climbing with his friends"

"Huh...why is everyone busy? Why am i the only one that seems free?"

She let out a big sigh. She bend her body and rest her head on the comforter. Suddenly Taeyang came inside the room to get ready for sleep.

Taeyang:"what are you thinking about?"


She gets up and sit properly on the bed. While Taeyang drying his hair with a towel.

Minju:"how do you know i was thinking of something?"

Taeyang:"im just guessing. I see you looked so empty so i thought you were thinking of something"

Minju:"nothing..just nothing..i have nothing to think about"

Taeyang:"what about me? Do you think about me?"

Minju:"oh my godd!...that was too cheesy"

Taeyang:"is it? ㅎㅎ"

Taeyang sat beside minju and took her hand then he hold it tight.

Taeyang:"then..will you think of me?"

Minju:"ofcourse..yeah..i should.."

Taeyang:"i'll say im the most lucky person ever"

Minju:"and why is that??"

Taeyang:"because i succeeded in making you fall for me"

He patted her hand and starred her for a while. Minju chuckled while she's looking at him.

Minju:"is that so? Am i too easy?"

Taeyang:"no. Im a pro"

Minju:"whatever yoo taeyang-ssi. Im going to sleep"

When she turned around to adjust her pillow, Taeyang pulled her back to her position just now.

Taeyang:"another one, when are going to drop the formal talk? It feels weird that you call me 'taeyang-ssi'"

Minju:"then what should i call you? Suggest me one name to call you"


Minju:"not oppa! Im not going to call you that"

Taeyang:"fine. Just call me yoo taeyang-ssi!:("

Minju looked at him. She was holding her laughter.

Minju:"hahahahaha are you SULKING MR.?!"

Taeyang:"im not"

He turned her body to the other side of the bed where minju can see his face.

Minju:"what can i do if you're sulking? Fine i'll call you taeyang ah. Is that good? Taeyang ah~"

At the otherside of bed, taeyang were smiling to his ears. He turned back and kissed minju's forehead.

Taeyang:"okay then lets sleep"

Minju:"ne Taeyang ah~"


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