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In the following morning, again the doctor checked minju for the last time before she goes back to home. At the time her mom comes in and greet her brother.

Inseong:"eo? Eomma annyeong"

Mom:"you didn't you tell minju right?"

Inseong:"nahh dont worry i didn't tell her anything"

Minju:"tell me what?"

Minju looked at Inseong and her mother.

Mom:"uh..uh..we have something to tell you but we should get back home first.

-Flashback at night-

Minju was deep in sleep but in other side inseong was still awake playing his phone. Suddenly his phone ringing and it tells that his mom called. He ran outside and answer the call.

Inseong:"Eomma you still awake?"

Mom:" i should be asking you that question. Dont you have work tomorrow?"

Inseong:"tomorrow? I actually took my monthly leave. So i dont have lots of work but just need to edit something"

Mom:"thats great! So great!"

Inseong:"why? Do we have something to do?"

Mom:"hey, do you remember the accident minju had?"

Inseong:"uh yes why?"

Mom:"do you remember the guy who save minju? What is it the name..yoo..tae...tae.."

Inseong:"Yoo taeyang"

Mom:"ah yeah that guy"

Inseong:"whats with him?"

Mom:"minju is going to marry him"

Inseong:"WHAT?! Did she agree on this?"

Mom:"thats why i said great that you're on your leave, so we can disscuss it tomorrow at home with minju along with taeyang's family and himself"

Inseong:"okay alright if you said so"

Mom:"dont tell her yet. Im afraid if she knows it she will hate it. So if we tell her when she goes home,we will settle it down slowly"

Inseong:"okay eomma, see you tomorrow"

Mom:"eung adeul~, goodnight"

Inseong:"ne eomma, you too"

The call ended with a sweet goodnight from the two of them but inseong still remain silent after the call. He worried that after minju knows the news that she's going to be married with someone she doesn't know will be so sad.

-End of flashback-

Minju packed her things and get change into a beige coloured crop top and a jean. She followed her mom and her brother to the car. On the way her mom driving to their house, she asked inseong to turn the radio on and at the time champagne by zuho is playing.

~won't you stay with me, i love it you wanna champagne and i loving not warning, kiss my lips with champagne~

Minju:"oppa, how is juho oppa doing?"

Inseong:"well just the same, he still producing song but these days he were busy with his cats"

Actually minju is close with inseong's friend juho, because she plays with him a lot when they were younger. After a long driving, finally they arrived at their house. Minju saw an unknown car and ask her mother who's car is it.

Mom:"today, we have a special guest"

Minju:"who is it?"

Mom:"you'll know it later"

She get out from the car and immidiatly walk into the house. She saw a husband and wife in the age of 40 and a man sitting at the living room couch.

Minju:"eo? Annyeonghasaeyo.."

She greet the men and the husband and wife. She went to her mother and ask.

Minju:"what is this about?"

Mom:"sit first"

Minju slowly put her bag aside and sit at the couch infront of the guy.

Father:" minju-ya... I have something to tell you"

Minju:"appa wae? "

Father:"but i think its better if mr.yoo tell it"

Her father looked at mr.yoo and let him talk.

Mr.yoo:"okay. You'll be going to marry my son, Yoo Taeyang."

Her eyes went big. How can she marry a person that she met only like two or three times.


Father:"It has a reason, now you're all grown up, you should be married. And.. he likes you"

Minju:"then what about me?! Did you think about me? I have feelings too!"


Her dad really make her pissed of. She stood up and took her bag. She ran to her room and slam the door.


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