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On recess time, Minju came to Taeyang's classroom and go to his desk while he was talking to Keonhee. She slam a not so thick paper book on his table. Taeyang got shock and look her. He picked up the object.

Taeyang:"what is this?"

Minju:"My first ever modeling magazine"

Taeyang:"You won the contest?!"

Minju:"yup! But in the first place tho. Im in 3rd place but still i got my own magazine that's full of me on it"

Taeyang:"can i borrow this?"

Minju:"for what?"

Taeyang:"just because, you look pretty in it"

Minju:"am i not pretty in real life?"

Taeyang:"hmmm i'll have think about that"


She make a duck face than walk away to her class.

"He said i'm pretty?..omg"


Taeyang look at the magazine very carefully.

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Taeyang:"keonhee yah, isn't it pretty?"

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Taeyang:"keonhee yah, isn't it pretty?"

Keonhee:"who? Minju? She's not only pretty but also goddess"

Taeyang:"that's right"

Keonhee:"wait a sec..do you like minju perhaps?!"

Taeyang:"dunno, maybe?"

Keonhee:"then what about sujin? Wow at this point you could be a playboy you know?"

Taeyang:"that is the problem..i love sujin and i love minju being on my side, but i cant tell her that i have a girlfriend"

Keonhee:"why though?"

Taeyang:"i dont want to lose her..if i told her that i have a girlfriend how sad it could be. I'll feel guilty"

After school ends they all went home and Taeyang was about to go home then he saw sujin at the school gate. He smiles brightly.

Taeyang:"oh? Sujin!!"

He ran to sujin and hug her.

Taeyang:"i miss you"

Sujin:"oppa, i have something serious to talk"

She looked Taeyang with a pout face.

Taeyang:"with me?"

Sujin:"yes with you"

Sujin then took his hand and run.
Taeyang got shook and just follow her.

Taeyang:"yah sujin ah slow down"

Suddenly she stop. Taeyang looked around and he realize that they at a playground nearby.

Taeyang:"its near but why did you run?"

Sujin:"i saw your mom just now at school"

Taeyang:"do my mom scares you that much?"

Sujin:"yup, let's sit on the swing"

Taeyang nodded and followed her to the swing and sit.

Taeyang:"what is it? The serious thing?"

Sujin:"there's a friend at school saying you were dating someone else. Is it right?"

Taeyang:"me? With who? Aaahh that girl? She's just my friend, i swear"

Sujin:"i know..dont swear..i know you wouldn't do that"

Taeyang:"thank you for trusting me. I felt good"

Sujin:"but..if she's your friend, doesn't it mean that she's hanging around with you?"

Taeyang:"kind of?"

Sujin:"what do you mean kind of? What if she had feelings for you?"

Taeyang:"speaking of truth..she do likes me..but i didn't tell her anything"

Sujin:"oppa! Why didn't you tell her anything? Tell her. You love me right?"

Taeyang:"i do love you but i also like she being with me."

Sujin:"what?! Choose, me or her? Or not we can stop untill here"

Taeyang:"no! No! I'll tell her tomorrow okay? Please dont be mad"

Sujin:"you better be"


Heejin:"yah minju! Where are you going?!"

Heejin shouted to minju while she was running. Minju turned her head and say,

Minju:"Taeyang seonbanim going to tell his feelings to me!"

Then she ran quikly to the school gate. Few more step a head then she saw taeyang waiting for her at a bench infront of the school.

She then ran to him and tapped his head.

Minju:"seonbaenim annyeong!!"

Taeyang:"why are you so happy? You will not be happy if i tell you this"

Minju:"what is it?"

Taeyang:"i hope you can stop hanging out with me"


Taeyang:"stop liking me, stop coming to my class to see me, stop act cute to me. Because im not going to take your confession. I already have a girlfriend"

Minju:"why didn't you tell me?"

Taeyang:"because i dont want to. Another one, dont come see me if there's nothing important to say. I'll be leaving then. Good bye"

Taeyang put the magazine on the bench and stood up. He was ready to leave but minju stoped him.


He then turn around and see's minju eyes were watery to the sudden reject. Minju looked him in the eye. She was not sad because of the rejection. She's mad.

Minju:"you're only going like that?! I am not a weak person! And im never gonna be"

She then took the magazine and walk away from Taeyang. She was really mad and a little sad.


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Next part is the ending~

Next part is the ending~

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