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"Yoo Taeyang-ssi"

Taeyang:"yes i am?"

"Do you take Kim Minju as your wife?"

Taeyang:"I do"

"And Kim Minju, do you take Yoo Taeyang as your husband?"

Minju took a second to answer it. She turned her head to look at her parents. Her father and mother nodded at her. She then turned her head back to face Taeyang and fake a smile.

Minju:"i do"

"And now you guys will be wife and husband"

Taeyang take the ring and slid it into her finger.

"The groom may kiss the bride"

Minju was shoked because she didn't expect that the kiss will be on the script. She looked at Taeyang's eye with a little disgust face. Taeyang smiled and start his action. He cupped her face and kiss her. Minju was about to push him but she realized something.

"He didn't kiss me, he kissed his thumbs"

For minju's sake, taeyang did not kiss her lips. He will know if he kiss her then she will hate him more and never open her heart to him. Everyone claped their hands and some of them are cheering. Taeyang pull his face from kissing her and looked into minju's eyes. Minju felt relax and smiled to him.


Chani:" congratulations minju-ya. Be nice to him.. Taeyang hyung is a nice person"

Minju:"thank you and thanks for helping me that day"

Chani:"your welcome, if taeyang is not there i bet nobody will help you. Remember, he is a nice person"

Minju:"hmm okay"


Minju smiled and chani walk away.


After the wedding ceremony ended, they had dinner at minju's parents. Then after all occasions has come to end, minju made a decision that she will live at taeyang's.

In the evening, she packed her things and say goodbye to her family. Taeyang drove her to his house and finally arrived. They both get inside while taeyang carrying her bags.

Minju:"so..this is your house?"

Taeyang:"it is my house but now its our house"

Minju:"where do i sleep then? Do you expect me to sleep with you?"

Taeyang:"i didn't say that but this house only have one bed"

Minju:"then i'll have to sleep at the couch. Or do you have an extra mattress?"

Taeyang:"i have a mattress but where do you want to sleep?in the living room?"

Minju:"where do you suggest?"

Taeyang:" in my room. I mean with the mattress"

Minju:"okay then"

Minju get im the room and get showered then she unpacked her things.

"Today was a hard day.."

She unpacked her things from bag untill she falls asleep. Taeyang get out from the bathroom and saw minju already sleep when she's not done yet with her unpackings. Taeyang sit beside her while she was sleeping. He took one by one her clothe and start putting it in the cupboard.

After he's done with all her clothe, he put her skincare on the table. Then he took her luggage bag and put it aside. He looked at minju that were sleeping but she was sleep with her sitting position. Taeyang approach her slowly and make her lay at the mattress correctly.


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