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In the morning, minju wake up with lots of question in her head. She was confused. She looked at the bed but see no one there.

"Where is he?"

Minju get up and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth amd head outside the room. She standing beside the door while looking at taeyang.

Minju:"ya! Where does my clothe go?"

Taeyang:"i put in the cupboard"


Taeyang:"what do you mean"

Minju:"you being my husband doesn't mean you can touch my inner clothe!"

Taeyang:"i didn't touch it! Yesterday i only put your pajama's, sweatshirt and jeans only! is that a big problem?! You wake in the morning just to shout at me? You didn't even thank me"

Minju:"oh...im sorry.."

" i feel bad for him"

Taeyang just keep silent while taking a milk out from th fridge. He cant take the fact that she called her a pervert.

Minju:"taeyang-ssi? Im sorry~ i didn't know it.. im sorry.."

Minju slowly walk to taeyang and take a peek at her face.

Minju:"are you mad?"


Minju look at his face and turned around.

Minju:"im sorry that i called you a pervert.."

As soon as he hears that he turned around facing minju. At that time their body were a few inches away. Her eyes went big as she saws taeyang turned to her.

Taeyang:"alright, i forgive you"

He then turned back to take a bowl to serve the cereal. Minju was froze like an ice. Her eyes were still big.

"Why do i like it when he does an action like that?"

"No! Minju-ya! Dont easily fall for him. You have to play hard to get"

"Relax my heart.."


Minju:"emm..can i sit?"

Taeyang:"yea, sure"

Minju sat at the dining while while waiting for taeyang to take the milk from the fridge.

Taeyang:"milk is here but where did i put the cereal?..did inseong hyung took it?"

Minju:"is there a problem?"

Taeyang:"nah no problem i just cant find the cereal"

Minju:"do we need to buy one? Or we can eat something else"

Taeyang:"no its okay. Eo? Found it"

He took the cereal and put it in the bowl as he pour the milk too. He put the cereal bowl infront of minju and took two mugs and fill it with coffee.

Taeyang:"do you drink coffee?"

Minju:"yeah that would be nice"

He place the coffee on the table. Then they started to eat their breakfast.

Taeyang:"should we go to honeymoon?"

Minju:" why would we?"

Taeyang:"isn't newlyweds go to honeymoon?"

Minju:"yeah but WE are not like that. Dont even think about it"


They continued eat untill they finish the last cereal in the bowl.

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