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Minju:"that will be 24 dollars total"

A customer handed the money and leave the shop. Minju gathered up her staff and get ready to close the shop.

Minju:"okay guys let wrap it up here"

Hyewon:"huh? We're leaving early?"

Chaewon:"yeah, whats with you? This is so not you?"

Minju:"im just a little bit tired. So i wanna go home early and rest"

Chaewon:"then you should. Why did you tell us to go home early?"

Minju:"wait why are you guys asking lot of question? I think i just wanted to gave you guys this opportunity. Now get ready to go home"

Hyewon:"yes Ms. Kim"


Minju was about to lock the door then a girl stopped her from going home.

???:"Kim minju-ssi, right?"

Minju:"yes i am but who are you?"

???:"im sujin, Chae Sujin. Yoo taeyang's ex girlfriend"

Minju:"ah..yes..what brought you here?"

Sujin:"just..visiting you? Well i wanted to know how do you look. Taeyang must be obsessed over you"

Minju:"what do you mean by that?"

Sujin:"can you spare a time for me?"

Minju:"yeah ofcourse"

Sujin:"what about coffee?"


Minju and sujin went to a nearby cafe and took a seat.

Minju:"what are you going to have miss?"

Sujin:"just call me sujin by the way. I want a caramel latte."

Minju:"alright then im going to order the drinks. Just wait a bit"

Sujin nodded and minju walked to the counter to order their drinks. On the way minju to the counter, sujin smirked and touch up her make up.

Sujin:"its time to spill the tea, sujin ah"


Minju:"what were you going to tell me about?"

Sujin:"ahh..im going to talk about Taeyang oppa"

"Tsk. She called him oppa?. I cant even call him that"

Minju:"taeyang? What's with him"

Sujin:"wait. how old are you? How can i address you?"

Minju:"im 22 years old how about you?"

Sujin:"oh? Then im older. Im 23 years old"

Minju:"even tho your older, i wont call you eonni. Because we aren't that close. Just call me by my name"

Sujin:"okay then"

Minju:"lets get straight to the point. Did you bother my husband lately?"

Sujin:"aww so cute you call him husband. I didn't bother him, i just meet him and say hello"

Minju:"what do you mean you just say hello? You don't think i know what were you doing?"


Minju:"you're meeting him and ask him for a getback. Enough. He's married now"

Sujin:"woahhh minju-ssi i bet you're really in love with him! Haha"

Minju:"so what? Atleast he made me loves him back and he deserve that! Im not like you! A slut."

Sujin:"did Taeyang told you the accident? Huh?!"

Minju:"it doesn't matter if he tells me or not. The thing i wanted is you to stop following him arround and talk to him."

Sujin:"Minju-ssi, why are you mad at me? You're mad at me because i meet taeyang?? You should be mad at him actually"


Sujin:"its time for you to know that he use you to stay away from me"

Minju:"what are you talking about?"

Minju then slowly slipped her hands inside her bag and took out her phone secretly to record what is about to come ot from sujin's mouth.


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