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Minju:"long time no see. How was your entertaining show company, Kim Inseong?"

Inseong:"good, well we have lot of things to do but how can i not see my sister? We did uploaded a new episode at youtube. Make sure you watch it okay?"

Minju:"alright i will"

She holds the bed sheet and try to get up but inseong insist.

Inseong:"yah yah dont stand up. I will sit beside you"

Minju:"dont worry...! My feet has no problem"

She stood up and walk to inseong who was still at the couch. She took his hands and spread them. suddenly she hugged inseong.

Minju:"oppa, i miss you so much.."

Inseong smiled and hugged her back. after a while she loses the hug.

Inseong:"me too..have you eaten?"

Minju:"i have but the food sucks"

Inseong:"i know it! Thats why i brought you home cooked food"

Minju:"did mom cooked this?"

Inseong:"no, i just came from my house"

Minju:"you cook?! Im not going to eat that!"

Inseong:"yeah i would know that you wouldn't want to eat what i cook, sooo...i ask one of my friends to cook. He's really good on cooking"

Minju:"okay then i'll eat it

Minju sat on the couch with inseong and opened the container. She gasped when she saw the food.

Minju:"wow it looks delicious!"

She took a chopstick and pick up one of the side dishes and shove it in her mouth. Her eyes went big.

Minju:"mmmh!!!!! This is so delicious!!"

Inseong just smiled while he stare at his sister. Minju realized it and scoop some rice and put a side dishes on top of the rice and she looked at inseong.

Inseong:"its okay, you eat it. Dont mind me"

Minju whined and make an angry face to inseong. Then he immediately open his mouth and minju shove the food to his mouth.

Minju:"oppa dont be stubborn okay?! I know you're in diet but you cant say no to me"

Inseong gigled then he looked through minju's eyes.

Inseong:"i wish you are not my sister..youre so cute and kind, if you were not my sister i've could date you already"

Minju:"oppa! Dont be disgusting okay! If youre not my brother i will never like you okay?! You're just a stubborn guy with a weird humor"

After she's done talking, she continued eating untill the container cleaned.

Minju:"woahh im so full. Thanks inseong-ah~ also thanks to your friend that cooked for me"

Inseong:"you better not call me like that, im your brother"

Inseong nodded and pinched her nose. Then suddenly inseong realized that he forget sometging then he took out something out from his pocket.

Inseong:"minju-ya, here, he said tell him if you're okay"

He handed a paper with a number on it.

Minju:"isn't it chani who brought me here? Who's this guy?"

Inseong:"chani is the one that drove you here but one of his friend which is one of my friend too, he picked you up from the street and called chani. So his the one that helped you out"

Minju took the paper and read the number. She folds it then she put it in her bag.

Minju:"what is his name?"

Inseong:"Taeyang. Yoo Taeyang"

Minju:"wait.. i know him, he's one of my customer these days"

Inseong:"wow thats good so you know him?"

Minju:"not that well but he's been coming to my shop quite a lot because he always do crafts there"

Inseong nodded while minju is still confused.

"Why did he came when the shop was closed? Was he waiting for me?"

Minju asked herself. Then at the time a nurse entered and checked minju once again.

Nurse:"miss, you can go home by the following morning okay"


Minju smiled at the nurse as she walked out from the room and get ready to sleep.


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