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Minju:"what are you talking about? I mean, keep talking"

Sujin:"taeyang oppa...is using you to keep me away from him. But it doesn't work at all. I can still met him and beg him to getback with me"

Minju:"stop talking nonesense. I know what kind of person taeyang is."

Sujin:"yah its time for you to look at taeyang oppa dark side.."

She smirked at Minju. Minju was about to leave but she sat there thinking that should she stay to hear the rest of the story or not.

Minju:"fine. I'll hear what were you going to say"

Sujin let a small sigh and started to tell the full story.

Sujin:"well...it first started when i met him at my moms rice cake shop. Thats were we fall in love at first sight. I was in other school so i cant always meet him and his school is far way from mine. We liked eachother and he ask me out. So i accept his confession and we coupled for about 1 year. Then i cheated on him because him started to ignore my message and call"

Minju:"and why was he doing that to you?"

Sujin:"i dont know. Maybe he's busy with a girl at the hospital. I heard a girl was get hit by a car. And he was the cause"

Minju:"so you're done?"

Sujin:"yeah. Im done. So what are you going to do now?"

Minju:"its between me and taeyang. I'll settle it later at home. Thanks for telling me. Im leaving"

Sujin:"okay then, and dont forget to tell him im sorry for telling you this"

Minju stood up and leave the shop. She was totally speechless. She cant think anything right now. As she walking a tear falls down from her eye.

Minju:"what am i going to do now?"

She then wipe her tears away and took a cab to her apartment. When she arrives, she get in the house,sit on the sofa and put her bag aside while Taeyang is in the bathroom.

She opened her phone and message heoyoon.

"Wait for me to come"

After then Taeyang gets out from the bathroom and get dressed. Then he head to the living room and sees Minju sitting on the sofa.

Taeyang:"oh? Minju yah when did you get home?"

He receives no answer. Taeyang look at her face with a curiousity. He quikly took a sit beside her.

Taeyang:"did something happend at work?"

Minju:"eo. I met Chae Sujin"

Taeyang:"Chae..Chae Sujin? My ex??.."

Minju:"yeah. She suddenly popped out infront of my shop and ask for a coffee"

Taeyang:"what did you guys talk about???"

Minju:"you want to know? Why are you getting scared?"

Taeyang:"ofcourse im scared, im scared if she does anything to you"

Taeyang took her hand and she pulled her hand from his hands. Taeyang looked so shock because it is not like Minju at all

Minju:"no. She didn't do anything to me. She was friendly. VERY friendly"

She turned to her bag and took her phone out from the bag. She opened her recordings and played the conversation between her and sujin.

Minju:" i record it. Who woulf know if there is something that i need to take care of"

Taeyang heard all of the conversation and started to panic. He was shock at what sujin tells her. The record ended and there was a seccond of silent.

Minju:"do you have something to explain here?"

He remain silent. He was scared and was not able to talk.

Minju:"is it right? What did she told me, is it right??..that you use me to stay away from her?"


Minju:"silent means yes i think. Is it?"

Taeyang:"min..min..minju yah.."

Minju:"okay then, i get it. So she was telling me the truth huh??"

She stood up and took her bag and get ready to get out. She barely holds her tear but in this case she has to hold it.

Minju:"i cant believe this..if you have an explaination, tell me when im ready. At this point, i begain to hate you again"


Minju:"and one more, Chae Sujin ask me to said it to you. She said sorry for telling me the story"

She walk out from her house and took a cab to heoyoons house.


The door opened and revealing her best sister friend in the front of the door. Minju was really sad, she walked to heoyoon and hug her. The she started to cry. She cried hardly on heoyoons shoulder. Heoyoon just pat her back continusly.


(Im really sorry to taeyang stans for making him the bad role but i was inserting that part because i just dont want the story line to be flat. So i added a little spice. Sorry)

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