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"Mianhae..i didn't meant to hurt you. I failed to protect you. Please forgive me.." Taeyang cries.


Heoyoon:"just rest first, i'll get you some clothes"

Minju:" okay...eonni"

She called her bestie and holds her hand. Heoyoon turned around and holds back minju's hand.

Heoyoon:"yes? What is it?"

Minju:"thank you..for taking me in"

Heoyoon just smiled and said welcome. She went to her room and took a light yellow shirt and a shorts for minju. She walked into the guest room and handed the clothes.

Heoyoon sat beside minju and patted her back.

Heoyoon:"minju yah, did something happend?"

Minju:"taeyang and me are just having some problem in the meantime."

Heoyoon:"alright, i should be know that it's your relationship problem so i wont getting in between you guys. But i'll support any of your desicion"



Chani:" did you tell the truth? Why did you marry her?"

Taeyang:"not yet.."

Chani:"waaaah hyung!! You're really a something"

Taeyang:"im scared that she will hate me more if i tell her the truth"

Chani:"hyung, i know her well. She likes people who tells the truth. Whether it's good or not. The important thing is, tell her the truth"

Taeyang:"help me..."

Chani:"are you kidding me? Hyung! She's your wife! Why would i help you?"

Taeyang:"because you're her bestfriend? Pleeeeaasee... i'll buy you some snack"

Chani:"only 'some'??"

Taeyang:"okay fine, whatever snacks you want. Only snacks"

Chani:"yes..thats what i like. Okay then i'll help you"



"Hey minju, i have something to tell you"

"Are you free? Let's meet"

"I dont have the feeling to go out right now chani yah. Sorry"

"we can just talk at phone"

"I cant type, im too lazy"

"I'll call okay?"


Incomming call from

Slide to answer..


Chani:"im sorry for bothering you but you need to know this. I think its time for you to know"

Minju:"what is it?"

Chani:"do you know why did taeyang marry you?"

Minju:"i am not in the mood to talk about him"

Chani:"just hear me out"


Chani:"the reason he marry you is because he did what you want. Is to marry him and he feels sorry for you"

Minju:"me?! I wanted to marry him? Since when did i say that? What a nonesense"

Chani:"you did say that. You said it the day before you got into hospital"

Minju:"wait what was it again? Nahh lets meet. I need to know it correctly. Lets meet at the nearest convenient store"

The call ended

Its 10 pm and Minju get ready to go out. Minju took her wallet and head to the store. When she arrived she saw chani sitting at the table outside of the store. She went to him and tap his shoulder.

Minju:"do you want something to eat?"

Chani:"sausage pls"

Minju:"tsk. You never not want me to buy you something"

Chani:"then why did you ask for?"

Minju:"shut up, im going to buy it"

She went inside and took sausage and a bottle of soju. She pay for it and head outside where chani sit. Chani looked her with a shock face.

Chani:"alcohol? You sure?"

Minju:"why not? Im going to hear what are going to say and get drunk. So i can go home without worries"

Chani:"you get drunk with only one bottle? Haha weak"

Minju:"what did you say?!"

She curled her fist and put her arms up ready to fight chani.

Chani:"okay okay sorry, hear me now. You have to hear it seriously."

Minju:"hm. Tell me"

Chani:"about what i said on the call...."


Dont forget to vote and comment!♡

[A/n: This story is going to end guys. Sorry for the sudden news. It was suppose to be more but unfortunately i have to end this story quickly. Because im busy on studying . And sorry for late update :)]

 And sorry for late update :)]

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