Chapter 26: One of Ours

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It was night. Serena was twisting and turning on her little bed.

Her friends had gone to sleep after holding a meeting in their beds, but she couldn't sleep. However, insomnia was probably normal in this case, especially after experiencing such a day like this one.

Another flip. She still couldn't sleep. Serena gave up and sat up, her chin resting on the knees of her bent legs. Sigh. Actually, she wasn't anxious or depressed. But that feeling inside of her, it could only be expressed properly by sighing.

Exhaling through a sigh seemed to lessen the thing that was resting on her heart.


That person's appearance floated up in her mind. Still or in motion. Speaking or smiling. And then what she had just breathed out returned once more.

Sitting for a long time with her blankets, Serena finally nurtured a hint of sleepiness. She laid down to sleep but just before falling asleep, she seemed to hear that there was movement in the bed beside her. She slipped into sleep after that. When it was late night, she was violently shaken awake. Serena opened her eyes to see Dawn standing beside the bed, weakly asking: "Serena, I have diarrhoea, I don't feel very good."

Serena was frightened awake, climbing down the bed to find her medicine. But it didn't seem to help. In a half hour, Dawn went to the washroom twice, and her face started to turn green. Both May and Chloe heard the noise and woke up. All three thought something was wrong, hurriedly dressed and took Dawn to see the doctor.

Due to the fact that the dependability of the night shift at the school hospital was infamous, they didn't feel safe taking Dawn there. They went out the Western Doors, waved down a night taxi and managed to get into a nearby major hospital. The doctor asked a few questions, did a small test and diagnosed it as acute gastroenteritis and required an IV.

After Dawn got a needle inserted and settled down on a bed, the other three managed to take a breath. They discussed and since three people didn't need to all be there, May went back first while Serena and Chloe stayed behind to keep Dawn company.

Dawn went to the washroom two more times after the IV was administered and got much better after that. Serena and Chloe got a chance to take a catnap but the resting place wasn't too comfortable. Serena didn't sleep for a long time. Dawn was also awake. Her appearance had recovered a bit. Serena looked at her watch. It was already seven o'clock.

Dawn weakly said: "Serena, yesterday, it was actually Master who brought those snacks?"


"Oh~~Ambrosia cannot be eaten, it cannot be digested by us mortals."

Serena couldn't help but laugh. Dawn was still joking while like this. She stood and helped tuck the blankets in. Serena's thoughts started to wander as Dawn mentioned Ash. It was seven, probably time to call Master to not wait for her. She didn't know why, but thinking that she didn't have to go study together with Master, her heart seemed to relax.

Her mind wasn't in the hospital now, her gaze floating past. Dawn was reclining, watching Serena in her daze. She always knew that Serena was beautiful, but after seeing it so many times, she had been used to it. But seeing her warmly tuck in the blankets, her face full of dreaminess, her eyes extra bright, it was a beauty she hadn't seen before.

The two were occupied with their thoughts, one standing, another lying down. Suddenly, the brightness in the room diminished, Serena raised her head and looked towards the doorway.

Ash was standing at the doorway, looking at her piercingly.

The journey back to campus was in Ash's car. The car was a very common brand. Serena sat on the passenger seat. Dawn, Chloe and May in the back.

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