Chapter 27: I Can't Stand It

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《Dreams of Pokemon 2》?

This familiar yet unfamiliar phrase pulled Serena's attention from the computer and onto Ash. She exclaimed: "Dreams of Pokemon is coming out with a second version?"

Why had there been no news about this? Now she's seeing the player avatars on Master's computer. This meant what?

"This game is yours?" She unthinkingly said this. Serena quickly corrected herself, "No, I remember Dream of Pokemon is Stone's product."

"Dreams of Pokemon is Stone's product, but Dreams 2 is going to be a partnership between Stone and us."

His tone and expression were calm, like he didn't realize what a shock he was delivering in his words. Serena took a long time to digest the surprise; "I hadn't heard that a Dreams 2 was coming out."

"At this point, we haven't publicized anything."

Serena remembered: "Then that video is your ... ..."

Ash shook his head: "No, buying the video was Stone's decision, I only knew a day before you did."

Even though he was working with Stone on Dreams 2, he had no connection at all to Dreams 1. Dreams 1 was a project by Stone Technologies, one of the companies under the umbrella of Stone Corporation. Any decision made on that side he would not know. If it wasn't that this decision would affect Dreams 2, Stone didn't have to ask his opinion at all.

In the beginning, if it wasn't for the high risk and the large amount of capital needed for the venture, Ash wouldn't have considered partnering up with Stone to make Dreams 2. According to the contract they made, Stone Technologies was only responsible for the starting capital and maintenance. His team was responsible for developing the entire game. So when Stone Technologies called over, wanting to add in Dreams 2 a new system for bride-kidnapping, Ash was very surprised. Then, when they said they were taking inspiration from what they had seen from the video, Ash didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After thinking over quickly, he agreed to add that function to Dream 2. But he didn't tell Stone, that the PokeMasterSatoshi in the video was actually him.

On the Stone side, n.\obody knew that PokeMasterSatoshi was him. This ID had been registered opened under the persuasion of his friends when 《Dreams of Pokemon》 had just opened. After playing for a while, he had stopped. It was only when he started working with Stone that he needed to familiarize himself again with the game and started playing.

Ash started to explain the relationship between Stone and him as he opened more avatar pictures for Serena to look at. Serena asked; "Then how does the new kidnapping system work."

"Basically it is just to put a new kidnapping function. Once used, the unmarried players can kidnap the partners."

Serena quickly understood: "Like the PK function in the game?"


It did seem to be a fun idea, but wouldn't this be very messy? Serena imagined everybody in the game kidnapping and rescuing. Whoa.

Finishing showing off the avatars, Ash went to make tea. Serena looked at the computer screen, her hands instinctively taking over Ash's mouse and started to scroll through the avatars again. She entered a trance and unknowingly slid into Ash's seat.

Ash returned with two cups of tea and saw this picture. He stared and then smiled, placing the cup in his left hand on the nearby bookshelf. He leaned on the shelf and raised his cup to take a sip.

You stand on the bridge to see the scenery. The person looking at scenery on top of a building sees you.

Serena didn't realize that she had become an attraction. After finely examining the avatars once again, she raised her sparkling eyes at Ash and said: "I like this game."

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