- 𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙠

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I was currently in the hospital wing of Hogwarts, laying in a bed waiting for Madam Pomfrey to come back. I had been feeling nauseous, weak and cold almost all week.

Draco had been telling me to go to the hospital wing but I thought there was no need. I thought it would have gotten better after a few days.

This morning, I felt really dizzy and fainted, but luckily Draco caught me. He carried me to the hospital wing as fast as he could.

I woke up and saw Draco and Theo, one of Draco's best friends, sitting in a chair beside the bed. I look over to my right and see Madam Pomfrey approaching me.

She had a large tin bowl filled with water and a towel hanging off from the side. "Thank goodness you brought her here in time, Mr. Malfoy. Who knows what else could have happened," she says.

She twists the towel very tightly until all the water stopped dripping. She places the towel on my forehead. "Is she okay?" Draco asked.

Madam Pomfrey sighed. "She'll be okay. How long has she felt like this? Do you know?" She asked.

"Well, I've been telling her to come here but she kept refusing. I think it's been about a week? She threw up once and she's always shivering and can never get out of bed," he says.

"She's got a fever. She'll be better in time. She did not take care of herself during that time, that's why its gotten worse," Madam Pomfrey said, giving me a look.

"Alright. Rest here and I'll be back regularly to check up on you." Draco looked at me. He seemed upset, not at me, but what I didn't do.

"Well, my job here's done. I'll leave you two to it. Feel better, Y/n," Theo said as he walked away.

Draco held my hand, which was warm to the touch. "Y/n, come on. You should have gone earlier, see what happened?" He says worriedly.

He sighed.

"Nevermind that. At least you're in here now. And you're going to stay here and stay put, if you need anything, you tell me," he says. I nodded.

He stroked the top of my hair. I loved it when he did that. He was always so gentle.

"Do you want soup or something? I can go down to the Great Hall and get you some?" He said. Soup sounded really good right now.

"The one with-"

"-the chicken in it. Got it," he said, smiling. He got up and went down to the Great Hall.


I was sitting up now, with a pillow propped up behind me. Draco came back and with a bowl of soup on a platter. There was also some flowers and a small pack of chocolates on it.

Draco set the platter down on a table at the foot of the bed and sat on the chair with the bowl of soup in his hand. It was smoking so I knew it was freshly hot. "Alrighty, I got your chicken soup thing here," he says.

He gets a spoon full of soup and lightly blows on it to cool it down.

He raises the spoon to my mouth and I eat it.

It was still a bit hot so I made a face that Draco softly laughed at. I sighed at how good it was. I already felt myself feeling better.


I finally finish the soup as Draco fed me the last spoonful. He gets up and sets the bowl back on the platter. He saw that I was looking at all the other stuff on the platter.

"Oh that. Yeah, the flowers are from... Potter and Weasley. And the chocolates are from Longbottom," he says. He picks up the platter and sets it in front of me, leaving the empty bowl on table behind.

I picked up the small pack of chocolate and began snacking on them. "You got to promise me next time you're not feeling well that you'll come here. Or at the very least, let me know if you're feeling worse, okay?"

"I really hate seeing you like this," he says. I give him a chocolate. "I promise. Don't worry, okay? I'll be fine," I say reassuring him. I put my left hand on his cheek and softly caressed it with my thumb.

"Ew, now your chocolate fingers are on my face," Draco said, slightly laughing. I scoffed. "Okay, first of all, I didn't even use that hand to pick up the chocolate, second of all, you want chocolate fingers? I'll give you chocolate fingers," I say as I threatened to put my right hand near his face.

He backed away laughing. He was wearing a black sweater and he took it off and draped it over my shoulders.

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