- 𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙛𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠

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House: Ravenclaw

I just closed a book that I'd been reading for the past month. I can say that now, it became one of my favorites. I was usually a sucker for horror books, but this one was romance novel, and I found it really interesting.

It was about a boy and a girl who met at school and they fell for each other but neither knew of it. The boy fell in love first in this story. He wanted to find a perfect way to ask her out, but never found a way that he thought would impress her.

The timing he tried always seemed to be wrong. The girl was in a relationship, but then broke up, and of course, the boy understood that she wasn't ready for a new relationship.

It was until the very end of the book, where the last chapter was the part when he finally asked her out. It turned out that the girl had always wanted the boy but thought she wasn't his type.

He asked her out in the best way the girl imagined. A simple rose given to her while sitting on a rooftop at night.

I sat there, still thinking about the beautiful ending of the book.

It was until my friend Ron Weasley snapped me out of it. "Why are you smiling?" He asked, sitting down in front of me.

"Ron, this book is amazing. I just finished it right now and the ending was perfect," I said.

Ron turned the book to face him so that he could read the cover. "This is a romance novel? I thought you loved the scary stuff," he said confused.

I sighed. "I do. But this one was really cute. Malfoy recommended it to me. This is his book," I said. I opened it to the back of the front cover. It read his initials, D.M.

"Speaking of, here he comes right now," Ron said, using his head to point to the direction he was looking. "See you later," he said as he got up and left.

Draco approached me and sat himself next to me. "Sooo... did you finish it? How was it?" He asked.

"I LOVE it. The ending was so perfect, it was what I've been waiting for the entire book. I'm definitely going to buy one and re-read it all over again. Thank you, Draco. Seriously. This is amazing," I say.

He see that he didn't seem as excited about the book as I was. I dropped my smile a little. "Hey, what's the matter?" I asked him.

He turned his body to face me directly.

"Y/n... that book. That's my favorite book. And that's because it's the closest thing that describes my situation with you right now. I never knew how to tell you this... but I.. I like you. I've liked you ever since I could remember. And I figured I'd explain it all to you, by just having you read it and this was the way I thought of," he said.

I was shocked. I had to say that that was the smartest way anyone's ever confessed to me. But I also felt my heart become warm. I sat there, not knowing what to say, as I was still shocked.

"Y/n... say something... please?" He said.

I turned to face him.

"Draco... wow. I don't know what to say," I said.

"How about an answer for me asking you to the Yule Ball...?" He said.

I nodded. "Yes... I'd love to," I said.

Draco seemed as though he held his breath and finally let one out. He brought his hand up to his chest and took breaths in and out. He smiled.

"Great. Good," he said.

I scooted myself closer to him and hugged his arm.

He held my hand tightly and I laid my head on his shoulder as he laid his on my head.

He slid the book closer to him and crossed off his initials. He pulled out a pen from his robe's pockets and wrote my initials on the book.

"It's yours."

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗼 𝗠𝗮𝗹𝗳𝗼𝘆 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀Where stories live. Discover now