- 𝙙𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙞𝙢

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House: Gryffindor

Draco and I were currently in a year long relationship and I can say that he was a pretty reserved person. I, however, was not.

Today, Draco wasn't doing very well at Quidditch practice, but I knew he was trying his best since he was practicing all week.

I was on the Gryffindor quidditch team, while he was on Slytherin's.

Draco came back down towards me with his broom and by the way he threw his broom on the floor, I can tell he was very disappointed in himself.

I walked towards him and held his hands. "Hey, it's okay. You did the best you could. We could practice more later if you'd like," I said, trying to comfort him.

He half smiled, knowing I was trying to cheer him up.

His teammates came our way, walking up behind Draco. And they were not happy.

"What the bloody hell was that, Malfoy? You call that a game?" One said.

"Hey! Give it a rest, he tried," I said. Draco turned around to face them.

"Tried? If that's what you call trying, I'd hate to see what your full effort looks like," another said.

Draco's grip on my hand tightened.

"Look around, Malfoy. Keep that up and you'll officially be the worst one here."

"Oh, there is NO WAY—"

I had enough. I drew my wand and attempted to have a go at them but Draco ran in front of me and threw me over his shoulder as he walked away from them.

"Draco?! What the heck?!"

"Leave it be, c'mon," he said calmly.

"Draco, no! Put me down now!" I said squirming.

His teammates faces made my blood boil. I attempted to fire a spell at them but missed.

"Y/n!" Draco said, wanting me stop.

He put me down, somewhere far from where everybody else was.

"What, so you're just going to let them talk to you like that?!" I exclaimed, throwing my hand.

He scoffed and laughed. "No, I'll get back at them sooner or later, but for right now, it's something that can be ignored, okay?" He said as he cupped my face.

I nodded as I calmed down. He kissed my forehead and walked us both back to the area we came from.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗼 𝗠𝗮𝗹𝗳𝗼𝘆 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀Where stories live. Discover now