- 𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙

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House: Hufflepuff

It was Christmas time at Hogwarts and I decided to stay in school for this year because I wanted to spend it with friends.

I was also spending it with my boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, since he didn't want to spend it with his parents. He claims that it doesn't feel very "Christmas-y."

It was Christmas eve and in an hour would be Christmas day. I was sitting with Harry and Neville at the table in the Great Hall eating some cookies as we talked about stuff that happened during school when we didn't see each other.

"Did you know Harry snores when he sleeps?" Neville said giggling. Harry nudged Neville on the arm. "I do not," he scoffed. I laughed.

Just then, I see Draco with no facial expression sitting right next to me. "Hey Dray," I say.

Harry and Neville looked at us both. They thought it was odd. One seemed very happy and excited, the other rather emotionless.

"Hi," he said flatly. I picked up a cookie and bought it near his mouth. "It tastes good, c'mon try it," I said. He turned red after looking at Neville and Harry, who were watching us.

Draco opened his mouth and accepted a bite of the cookie. He slightly nodded, telling me that it was good.

"Y/n, since when do you wear rings?" Harry asked. I looked at my rings. I had three on my left ring finger and two on my right middle finger.

"Oh! These... Draco gifted them to me. These ones were his but he says he wanted me to have them since I loved playing with them when we held hands. And these were from my birthday," I say.

Draco still had no facial expression, but I knew he was blushing in the inside. He never really liked to show any emotion. He knew of this, of course, and he always reassured me.

He didn't always engage in being the first to kiss, or hold hands, or hug. I was always the first to do it and I knew he secretly loved it.

Draco pulled out a small box from the pocket of his jacket. He slid it to me.

"What's that?" Neville asked. I shrugged. "Let's see," I say as I pick up the box.

I opened it to a beautiful silver necklace which had a small thin bar with the date that Draco and I met engraved in it.

"Oh wow, now I feel like I gave Ginny nothing at all," Harry joked.

I smiled. I saw something that Harry and Neville couldn't see.

At the back of the inside of the box, it had a little note. It read "Doesn't matter if we were dating or not. The day I met you was the most important day of my life. Merry Christmas, my Y/n"

I took the necklace off of the small cardboard it was wrapped around. Draco took it from my hands and stood up and quickly put it on me.

He walked away saying nothing else. I figured he went to go back to his dorm.

"Wow. I didn't think he was very affectionate at first," Harry said. The three of us watched as Draco exited the Great Hall.

"Yeah. I'm surprised he even did that. Usually he'd do this kind of stuff in private. Very rarely does he say I love you. But hey, actions speak louder than words, and that's the way he is," I say.

I continued to talk with Harry and Neville til the clock hit midnight.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗼 𝗠𝗮𝗹𝗳𝗼𝘆 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀Where stories live. Discover now