- 𝙛𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙢𝙮

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I hated him. With all my guts.

Rude, disrespectful, arrogant bitch.

I was working on my potion in Potions Class when I look to my right side to see Malfoy knock straight into me.

"Watch where you're going, asshole!" I say as I shoved him away from me. "Oh~ Not very friendly now Y/n," he sneered. I rolled my eyes. I could tell there wasn't an ounce of dignity that lived in him.

I continued to work on my Potion when suddenly-


The beaker I was working in had fallen off of it's platform and broken pieces of glass had spread all over the table. I sighed deeply.

"Detention, Mr. Malfoy," Professor Snape said sternly. "You will help Ms. Y/l/n fix her notes in the library to redo her potion next class."

My eyes widened. I could see the expression on Malfoy's face saying that he was totally against it.

"What?! But it was an accident! No way am I spending time with... her," Malfoy said in a disgusted tone.

I side eyed him. He is not one to be talking.

Snape looked at him straight in the eye, almost piercing. "I... will hear none of it. You will do as said, Mr. Malfoy."

Malfoy's shoulders dropped in defeat. Snape always won over him. And oh, I loved to see it.

Snape dismissed us and I hurriedly packed my stuff and quickly left. I was walking out the door when Malfoy scurried past me, bumping my shoulder.

I nearly tripped over but I brushed it off. I see a piece of parchment on the floor after Malfoy walked passed me.

I bent down to pick it up.

I took a closer look at it. His sloppy ass handwriting.

Library. Hour before dinner. Don't make me wait.

I crumpled the parchment up. Even his note had an attitude.

I made my way to the common room and decided to hang out in my dorm with my roommate since my day was over.


I checked the time. It was an hour before dinner and I got my bag and headed to the library.

I didn't even have to look for him for long. He was the only one in the library slouching in a chair with his arms crossed.

I walked up to the table and slammed my bag down on the chair beside him. "Can we hurry this up, I'm exhausted," I say sitting down.

I reached into my bag for my ruined notes.

I layed them out on the table.

Parchment that was once filled with words now had liquid stains all over it.

"Wha— This'll take all night!" He exclaimed. I raised my brows and pushed my lips inward. "Yeah, that's quite literally why Snape had you help me, genius. No way in hell was I going to be able to fix this all by myself," I say.

"And since you're the one who fucked shit up, it had to be you to help me."

Malfoy groaned.

We started writing the notes and he layed out his parchment for me to copy down.

His handwriting made it so hard to read. It was almost like the words were merging with each other.

"That says dust, how could you not read that?" Malfoy said as if I was dumb.

"Well maybe if your handwriting wasn't so shit, then maybe I'd be able to read it!" I said. He rolled his eyes and scoffed.

I continued to write. And write. And write. And write.

It's been an hour and I was getting really sleepy. My eyes got tired from looking back and forth from his notes to mine.

I decided that I needed a break, so I leaned back on my chair and squinted and rubbed my eyes. Malfoy looked at me weird. "Give me a moment," I said.

I could have sworn that I closed my eyes for just a moment.

Next thing I knew was that I was laying my head right on his shoulder, except his arm was moving, as if he were doing something.

I realized what I was doing and quickly shot up.

I looked at Malfoy. He looked right back at me. He didn't seem disgusted.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I just—"

"I didn't mind."

What. The. Hell?

Didn't mind?

I turned my head back to what he was doing.

Was he... writing my notes?!

I looked at all the parchments. It was four pages worth of notes.

I looked around for a clock.

Two and a half hours?!

I looked closer at the notes. "Did you do all this?!" I asked with wide eyes.

His face turned red. It seemed as though he was embarrassed.

He nodded, trying not to make eye contact.

I looked at the notes again. It seemed as thought he tried to imitate my handwriting. He tried to space out the words and write them in a straight line. I mean, it wasn't perfect but I was surprised he even thought of writing them for me.

He finished the last page of notes and slid them to me.

"Wait, but I thought you absolutely hated me? And I mean, I hated you, but now I'm... questioning things," I said.

Malfoy sighed. He hands were slightly shaking. I couldn't really tell if it was from writing or if he was nervous.

"Look, I didn't mean to make it seem like I hated you, okay? I just teased you because well... don't make me say it," he said.

My heart softened. I've never seen him like this, let alone known he had a side like it. "And when I saw you fall asleep, I felt bad because well... you seemed so exhausted and you were only on the first page," he said.

I pulled him in by his forearm and hugged him. It took a bit for him to hug back, but he slid his arms around me and melted into it.

"Well, thank you for letting me fall asleep on you. I might've gotten a bit of drool on your shirt," I said, softly laughing. He smiled. "It's okay."

"And... thank you for writing my notes for me. I appreciate it, Malfoy," I say as I leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Draco," he corrected.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗼 𝗠𝗮𝗹𝗳𝗼𝘆 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀Where stories live. Discover now