Part 1

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Hope you enjoy this better and corrected version of chapter 1.

The ocean is one of the many things Y/n liked. As a child, they used to think the ocean was beautiful...but a frightening place to be in. The deepts and the darknees beneathy the surface.
A old tale told around the Magi Town was on, that sea creaturs were living in these part of the ocean. Taking and devouring every human being, that hunts them and lives near their nest. This beach Y/n sat on was the beach they told the tale about.

'Well,' Y/n thoughed as they look at the ocean mesmerized. 'I live here since 5 years already, and no sea creaturs ate me.'


With a sigh, Y/n stands up and brush the sand off their clothes. They turn around from the beach and head towards the garage that was next to their house. The house wasnt as beautiful as the others usual luxury houses. It looked like on of those homes in the 19s with the faint paint on it. The window frames were old but still useable and everthing is in takt. The house had two floors, and it was quite large to begin with for only one person. Behing the cute house was a large wall of woods looking similar like a jungle. Besides the wall of forest was a dirt road leading to the main road from the beach and into the Magi Town.

 As they enter the garage , they start looking for the fish food. Their hand reached the upper shelves blindly trying to find it. As they continue on the other shelves a car is to be heard outside bulling up to the front of the garage

It is a sports car that sounded expensive, and Y/n knows what that means.

'Jack is back in town? Isn't that bastard supposed to come next month? What is he planning this time?'

Jack Van Dorens, the rich boy from Magi town. He is known for his rude and obsessive behaver and greedy to be added. Infront his old man he is always the behaved and respectful guy. I feel bad for his father, to be honest. He is half blind after all. But, what Magi town really doesnt need is a rich boy like Jack. He takes and doesnt pay back. He even pays with fake money sometimes, because of that our town was already in bad reputation. And whats even worse, Jack always comes here to buy Y/n house for low prices.

Y/n walks out of the garage only to be meet with a guy that looks like he plays roblox with a bunch of five year olds! Y/n cant help but wanting to punch his ugly looking face. But, they arent. Jack is a good liar and will tell everything his father. Y/n got into enough trouble the last time they met and talked. 

'That bastard...'

" Ahh, there you are sunshine. Look my friends will give you the double amount of money. 6 thousand dollars, what do you think? We are gonna take care of that garbage house of yours and I'm sure with that much money you will be able to find a better house. Mmh?" He says with his flirty smile wich is able to fool everyone else except for (yes you guessed it-) ∗Y/n∗.

" Look, Jack, I told you that I would never sell out my house or my property. Not even for 10 thousand- wait, thats still low. Not even for 1 million dollars/euro!" Y/n explained annoyed crossing their arms togheter.

Jacks eyes furrow and he turns around and goes to his friend that was inside the car looking out the window "I dont understand why Y/n is such a bitch sometimes." Jack said trying to tone it out while looking at his friend angry.

'He did not-'
Y/n reached for a empthy beer bottle and threw it at Jack's head hitting him right in his occiput.

Jack stumbles forwards, clearly not expecting this from Y/n "What the hell Y/n-!?" Y/n was mad and it showed it all over their face "Ops, my bad. I could have sworn i was dealing with an adult." The anger was clear in Y/n voice.

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