Part 15

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This happened to me this week TvT. I made 5 covers ready. But didn't even start to write.

My phone starts to vibrat I pick it up and hear a woman cry :" H-hello? ^sniff^ Are you Y/n L/n? ^BIG sniff^"

* Wow... I think she lost her fish or something. Or she tells me her fish is pregnant...*

" Uhm... Yes that's me." I replie sweating a little bit.

" Please come! Lessi is dying!!" She screams in tears. I will go to tears if she keeps yelling at the phone!

" Who is dying ma'am? And please don't come here whit made up names!" I replied a little bit angry.

"MY DWARF SPERM WHALE IS DYING!!!!!!" she screams directly in the mic.
( R.I.P your ears 😓)

Dwarf Sperm whale

A Dwarf Sperm whale is the smallest whale and is even smaller than the most of the dolphins. It skin is dark blue to olive brown.

It is 2.1 - 2.7 M big



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" Ma'am give me please you address." I ask trying to be calm.

She gives me an address and I run out of the house. As I arrive to the streets I call out for a taxi.

A taxi stops in front of me, I open the door, there sites and man with a funny accent :" Helo mam! How can I help you?"

" Good morning! How much does it cost till I be there?" I question him and show him the address.

He smiles up to me :" Oh, of course! Come in."

I get in and set my big bag on my lab. I hand him 20 dollars, and of we are.

Time skip...

We arrive at the house as fast as we could.
" Thank you again." I say to the taxi driver.

" Yoo welcoming mam." And he drives away. I ran to the front door of the house.

Time skip...
( Sorry it's right now in the middle of the night)

" THANK YOU SO MUCH Y/N!!!" the woman cries behind me while I go out of the museum.
" You are welcome Mrs. Ani. And remember, she need to eat sea grass every weak. But not to much!" I say to the new coworker, that got her job just today.

" I will, don't worry. I called a taxi for you. And don't worry I already paid. ^sniff^" he sobbed happy at me, getting a tear away from her eye.

" Thank you." I say looking at the taxi waiting for me. I enter it and wave at the friendly employer.

We drive till in front of my forest. I get out of the car and go straight in my forest.
" Why do you live in a forest."

" This is where I live. Got a problem whit living in a forest?" I ask turning around annoyed.

He just drives away not even saying a word.
* Rude...*

As I get out of my forest I hear yelling. I go to my house a little closer, and I see all of the skeletons in front of my house door panicking.
Even Insanity is there.

* I can't remember him caring about me or anything. And I don't see him often ether.*

Y/n:" Guys, why are you all screaming and panicking?"

They all turn there heads fast towards me. Killer and Cross start running crying towards me :" Y/N!"

I catch them, almost losing my balance.
I look at the others and they where running towards me too.

* Oh shi-*

Everybody:" Y/N!!"

^A huge crash later^
^ In your home^

All of them sat in the living room holding there heads. I gave each of them there head knock.

I come back whit the strawberry muffin.
" Ok. I'm sorry for punch each of you but next time don't crush me... Here a muffin for you guys... as an apology."

Error:" thAnKs I GuEss?"

Nightmare:" Really nice cooking, dear~"

Killer:" At least you are ok..."

Cross:" What is that red think on it?"

Y/n:" It's a strawberry."

Dust:" Thanks."

Horror:" Why do I just get only one?"

Y/n:" Because I didn't bake many and second the last two are for me. And tell me later if you like it."

I sit next to nightmare and Killer and start closing my eyes.

Sorry it to short I have today much homework to do...
Still love you all 😘

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