I'm Answering you

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OK and here we are by answering your questions you asked in your comments.

The first one is from April_Gianttale

❔Her question to Nightmare: Why do you not like the Star Fishes aka, the star sanses

Nightmare: Isn't it abvies? They help and save other while we are being hated from the others! And they don't let us have fun whit our pray or something like that. But hey, I can't take it bad to them. We are the bad sanses.

Me (Garra): Wow what an answer.
Thank you for answering them.

Nightmare: So long you don't stay happy, I wouldn't mind...

Moving on tho the next one.

Oh this is from AvocadoDragon

❓❔She asks me: Who's insanity? I don't think I've ever saw him before?


What got you into undertale fandom?

Ok my Avocado dragon beauty. I got you. The first question answered:

Insanity sans became a psychopath and murder everybody  (or almost everybody) in the Underground, including his only brother, Papyrus.

His backstory is a little messed up...

Gaster infected Sans whit one os his experiments. This infection caused him to become a psychopath.

As a psychopath, he enjoys every moment of it. The murder, the death, blood and that kind of stuff...

I didn't want to make this so bad so I turned him a little calm but still crazy. He will not show up so many times in my book, because he is a loner and a bloody killer...

Here Photo :
⚠Blood warning⚠

Here Photo :⚠Blood warning⚠

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Second question

Me (Garra): Uff-, This is gonna be hard...

Where do I start?! Well when I first discovered that it was an image about Error sans fan art. I was totally confused to see a person whit no hair and Errors around him, blue tears to. And nice clothing.

I toughed it was an anime character😂.

But I started to scroll and see how many pic of him. Some whit an other person too. You can already guess. It was ink.

Some time passes and I discovere Unertale. The original Sans. The different AU's. I was fascinated. How people love these skeletons, make fan fiction about them. Made there own AU. Make comics. The game was awesome too. And that how I got in Undertale Fandom.

( I most say it's really toxic these days)

Ok my pencils onto the next one:

❔This is from: dragonqueen145

The question is: Do our local bad fish like or want to have kids??

Nightmare: Mmmh, maybe but I'm still not sure about that.

Killer: No not really... (But wish tho...)

Cross: *Blushes* M-maybe..

Insanity: I would eat them alive.

Dust: No

Horror: I can teach them how to hunt pray and kill an alive ^^^^^-
Me: NOOO!!!!

Error: I don't even know them...
Me: In the next chapter you will!

Red: She is cool whit all the punches but I don't think so. Hey, who knows maybe it would be great. But I don't think toots would like kids.

Ok onto the next one...

Oh it's from MoonsRosas

❓Her question: All Bad Sanses/Fishes: Who was your first kiss?

Nightmare: Y/n

Horror: Y/n~

The others: No one/ Don't remember/...

And we got our best friend here🏅
: mikashauwuloveu

She got me and the others some big question.

First one: Author: Are you going to do a bad ending and a good ending?

Me: That depends on wich way you choose. Like I said when I asked if you would go to the library or to the Garden.

The Garden was a bad choice

The Library was a good choice.

That goes by wich way you guys choose.
We will see.
Next question: And do you simp to someone?

Me: It was Nightmare. But I realised it would be a bad relationship whit him. So I just simp for ------
Next question to Nightmare: Nootmare: Dream or Y/n?

Nightmare: That's easy. Y/n Of course.
Next for Killer:

Mika pulls him close to her:" Mah Baby *Chu* You so cute:0

Killer is confused and flushed: I-is that love at first sight or am I dreaming.

Me next you all: Mika give him another kiss. Then he will see its not a dream.
Question to all bad sanses/fishes: How is your reaction when Fandom ships star sanses/Fishes whit you yall?

( I don't know what they would say... You would need to ask the creator from them)
Next: You love Y/n or you just like her as a friend?

Nightmare: Well all I could now say is... I Love Y/n.

Cross: I don't know.

Killer: Maybe as a lover???

Insanity: She would be a nice head on my shelf-
Me: Bro no!

Horror: She looks tasty but I don't think I could answer that for now.

Dust: Free Exp.
Me: No wonder you still single...
Dust: HEY!

Error: She is a strange Glitch in the ocean.
Me: Oh my God.
Next: What would you rather choose?
Be superpowerful or be whit Y/n All your live and have Amazing Family?

Everybody said the same think: Superpowerful/I don't know yet

Ok guys that's it for today. Hope you enjoyed it. See you guys late🖑

Love you all~ Garra lee

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