Part 14

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I'm not like that but I am like that⬆

Mmhh I stare at the recep.

*Wich one should I take!? They all look soo delicious...*

I think and look at the three pictures.

You choose:

1. This one is easy.

 This one is easy

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2. This one is easy too, but I will need to clean many dishes for that...

 This one is easy too, but I will need to clean many dishes for that

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3. This a medium but I will need to buy strawberries for that

 This a medium but I will need to buy strawberries for that

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^knock knock^

"Huh?" I go to my door and open it.

Cross stood there silently looking down sad. All he has on are just some pants.

" Hello Cross. Is something wrong? Come inside I bring you some cake." I ask and bring him in.

I bring him in the living room, he sits down still sad looking. I take the blanket wo was next to me on the chair and cover him up whit that. So he wouldn't be cold.

" I will be right there sweetie. Let me just get something." I whisper to him and go to the kitchen.

I come back whit the cheesecake from yesterday and whit two cups of hot chocolate. I set it on the little table and sit next to him.

" What's wrong? Mmmhh?" I ask patting his back.

Cross turns his head towards me still whit the sad look :" I don't know but I all of the sudden feel empty. Like nothing matters if I'm here or not. I think the others wouldn't even care if I was gone. Maybe they would be better off me." He stiffs and looks down on the floor.

Y/n:" Hey its alright, one time I felt like that too. I thought my friends would be better off me too. At the end I went to my room. Locked the door and started to cry. And all im saying I felt soo much better after that."

Cross:" Crying is for weak ones you know. I can't imagine you ever cried."

Y/n:" People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long."

Cross looks at me surprised, by my answer. I just smile at him, knowing one day he would tell that somebody else.

Y/n:" You know, there will come a time, when you have to choose to ether turn the page or close the whole book. I am choosing to continue to see what will happen next. I will let you choose your path."

Cross:" That are nice word you have there Y/n but what would they bring me?"

Y/n:" Words just aren't only words. Even only one word can turn your live upside down. So always be careful what comes out of your mouth."

Cross:" Heh, you don't say."
(A tear slowly falls down)

Y/n:" Cross! Dear! I would care if you where gone. I would kill Nightmare if he doesn't do something! I would actually break everybody's bone if they call you weak or hurt you."

Cross starts to slowly laugh, I laugh whit him.

Cross:" You wouldn't!"

Y/n:" Boy, you don't know me! I will break all there rips and bines till they come to you and apologise!"

Cross:" Haha, but you will tell them to do nice wouldn't you."

Y/n:" Oh I will!"

And we continued to talk and laugh till all of the cake and hot chocolate was gone.

We waved at each other till he went in the sea and went back. It is already getting dark. Better get home and feed the fishes.

Hope you like it. Sorry I was in a hurry.

Bye love you all~

bad sanses mermen x f!readerWhere stories live. Discover now