Part 22

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I dont want to sound rude, but most of you kinda did a bad choice..... but I try my best to but it right 😅

shoutout to @CameronPeterson2 and to @HIDaphneSacey you two got the right choose. *clapping for you two*

Y/n Pov...

*I have enough of that crybaby!!*

I look at Horror with the most angry look and point at the girls. I smile form's on me :" It's time for dinner~"

His round iris turns into a line and slowly turns his head towards them. The girls started running out of fear, Horror went trought the window and shatterd it. I dont care. I don't care about the window nether about the girls.

⚠️little gore warning⚠️

I hear a loud scream from one of the girls, than a crack can be heard. I hear where the cry baby starts to beg for mercy. I come out of my house and follow the bloddy trail. Her eyes land on me and starts to beg towards me now:" Please, I-I don't want to die... please" 

🚸You maybe read the rest again in peace🚸

I show no emotion towards her:" You... you where never a good friend. You where using me back than. You used everyone just to get a better job. A better life. You didnt even care about us, you didnt care about me!"

Crybaby:" Why are you taking revenge on me!?"


Horror look me with a sad expresion :" I wait for your signal." He looks back at her with a angry look. I look at him and smile :" Just scare her for me, please." His creepy smile returns and goes back in the house. The crybaby looks at me scared with what i mean by that. 

Horror comes back with his heavy anchor, and comes over to the dead body of 'her besty'. He looks at the body than at the crybaby. He gives from him a little chuckle and lets his anchor down and it smashes the head from the body.

She scream loudly and stands frantically up and runs away still screaming. 

Horror:" That would do it~"

All i could let out is a frustrated sigh, Horror looks at me with a worried look. 

Horror:" What is it?"

Y/n:" 1. How are we gonna hide the body? 2. She would totally go and call the cops. 3. i dont know how to hide the blood!"

Horror:" Oh thats easy. BBBBBOOOOOSSSS!!!!"

I got a little bit scared when he screamed nightmares name out, actully he only screamed boss- [CUT]

I jumped a little when he screamd Boss. 

Nightmare:" What is it this tim-"

Nightmare apeard behind us and he looked at the dead body with disgust. He looks at horror angry, than his gaze lands on me and sees im really nervouse standing there. He sighs for a moment:" Horror take the body to the sea, I clean up the mess... again."

Horror:" Thanks Boss."

Nightmare:" Not a word of you!"

Horror picks the body up with his magic and brings it to the sea, once there he lets the body go and it slowly starts to sink. I turn towards Nightmare and his eye starts to glow, and slowly a cyan magic powder starts to cover-up the trays of blood and the rest of the crime scene.

Nightmare:" That should do it."

Y/n:" Thanks Nightmare."

Nightmare:" Now, tell me what happend."

I could tell that Nightmare noticed something off with me. Well no point of hidding it i guess.

Thats all guys, I hope you enjoyed it. Love you~ Garra Lee

BTW: 8 wrote this at night so please don't mind my bad writing 😫😅

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