Part 6

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Eyes blue like the Atlantic
And I'm going down like the Titanic.

I see the black tentacles coming really fast to me leg and it drags me to the water. Than lifts me up to the air. I kinda didn't wanna scream but it did scared me.

" You foolish mortal. You choose the wrong Person to hurt, you shall pay..." Nightmare comes slowly out of the water, he looks bigger than last time I saw him. His tentacle grabs his head and throw him in the ocean. Horror jumps out of the water and bites his neck and his head is not anymore at the same place it was...

Nightmare pulls me close to him and hugs me tight. We slowly go back where the water is. A big splash and where in the water him still hugging me.

He gives me a big kiss and I already can breathe.
" I wish you all are gonna stop kissing me..." i say and get out of Nightmare's grip.

He looks at me concerned :" What do you mean by 'you all'."

Y/n:" Well Horror kissed me too-"

Nightmare:" HE WHAT!!??"

* I think I shouldn't have said that...*

His eye turns into a cyen flame as he turns to horror who fearly turns around.

And the chase is on...

Horror swims for his live while Nightmare chases him, ready to make out of him shark soup.

The others hid somewhere or tried to calm Nightmare down. 

I just stand here scared for horror safety and for nightmare to ever calm down.

All of the sudden a blue and pink tentacle grabs me by my stomach and rings me fast behind a big stone where I meet a new skeleton who's body is a giant octopus and who has by every each tentacle a different colour. Two big one too.
He has a little black splash on his cheek and his eyes have cute simbol.

" Are you ok? Did they hurt you or something??" He asks making sure I didn't get hurt.

" Eehh im fine. The guy didn't hurt me."

" I don't mean the guy who is now dead, I mean if Nightmare and his gang hurt you." He say and slowly loses his grip.

" What? Why would they hurt me? They actually saved me from the guy. Actually they saved me for the second time." I say and touch his shoulder to calm down.

" That explains why you didn't scream." He say and his eyes turn into gear and a question mark.

" Y/N WHERE ARE YOU!!!!" I hear nightmare shout for me.
" Well looks like I need to go bye." I say and swim fast from the stone to Nightmare.

" Hey wait-" as he was about to swim whit me he stops and I see Nightmare and the others staring at him.

" H-hey nice to see you guys again. I'm just gonna go and see how the others are doing..." He says and starts to swim backwards.

Nightmare snaps his fingers and the blue teared and crazy eye swim really fast towards him.

And here is another chase on...

Nightmare hugs me from behind while the whole gang is chasing him.

" Who is that anyway." I ask.

" That's Ink the mer-octopus. He is the leader from the star sanses." He says to me and kinda places me on his octo lab.

Y/n:" I see you guys don't like him much. Do you."

Nightmare:" I won't say 'don't like'. I would rather say hate."

Y/n:" Well you know. Thank you for saving me from that guy. He really was a pain in the a*s. Ehm may i go now, please."

Nightmare:" Sadly yes."

Y/n pov:* Bro what's up whit... oh no, no no no no no no! Don't tell me he is in love whit me. I need to get the hell out of here.*
Y/n:" Well I need to go feed the fishes. See you later king Nightmare."

I swim fast out of the water and go in my house. Change and feed the fish's.

* I kinda don't want to meet Nightmare. Mmmhh- I got it. This time I'm gonna use my equipment to meet them again. I will be able to talk to them with my new mask. And I'm sure they are gonna help me. And I hope he will introduce me to everyone this time.*

I think and go to my garage to get the stuff ready. I'm excited. I was about to but the fish food back until...

A police car pulls up near my garage.

* Oh no. Did someone saw Nightmare. But usual there is none passing by here.*

I go out of the garage and to the police car. The male cop comes out from the car and towards me. He looks handsome but not mine tipe.
" Excuse me ma'am. Have you seen Jace Anderon? His friends told me the last time where he was, was here. He went missing some days ago."

" Yeah he was here two days ago. He wanted to buy my house but I didn't let him. He offered me 6 thousand dollar. I refused of course. I would never let anyone take the oceans beauty. At the end he went mad at me and called me a bi- and he went of whit his car. Since that day I haven't seen him." I say still holding the fish food.

He looks at it and asks me:" What are you working at miss."

" I'm a Marine scientist. I heal fishes up till sharks. I save them and bring them back to the ocean or to there keeper. Well it is hard whit no friends. But what are you gonna do. ^Sigh^
Will you excuse me. I have much work to do."

" Well thank you for the information ma'am. Have a good day." He goes back in the car. I go back in the garage and but the fish food there where it belongs.

Some second pass and I hear the car pull up and go away.

* Well who would tell a cop that he died by some merman sharks. If he would believe it what I said and go in the ocean. He would be new collection for Insanity and Horror to feed at.*

I close my garage and go inside. It already got dark outside.

Hope you like this chapter... love you guys...

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