Part 23

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I can relate to this sooooo much 👆
I always think my book will fall down and won't get popular but here we are with 16,4 K. I'm still thinking it will fall down like my first book (the first one was ssoooo embarrassing)

Y/n pov...

I sit on the sand and lean on the wall of my house. I feel how the word are strangeld in my throut and how words are missing from my head.

* Why do i feel empathy for the 'besty'??*

Nightmare sees me in stress and sitts next to me and stares into the sea. I look at him than at the sea too. He sighs and takes his gaze at me. I who is still staring at the sea am not in the mood to look at him.

Nightmare:" I never let my empathy get to people that hurt me. So it was her fault what can you do now."

Y/n:" Still, now the 'pretty girl' will alarm the police and they will sure come any time. But *starts to laugh little* can you imagan what she is right now saying to the police?

*imitating her voice*: H-Hello police, help me!

*Imitates a deeper voice*: Stay calm ma'am and explain what happend.

*Her voice*: My besty was killed by a ughly skeleton!

*Deeper voice again*:w-... what?

*her voice*: Yeah, a skeleton monster crushed her head with an big think!

*Deeper voice*: Ma'am, this sounds like scoopy doo stuff. Maybe you need glasses.

*Your voice* He hung up on her and she was sent to the mental hospital, haha!"

Nightmare:" I think more you should go to an mental hospital, dear. Hahaha!"

Nightmare brightening my mood just makes me feel better. Right when i was about to say something, we heard harsh footsteps coming towards us.

'Friend' pov...

*The stupid police just said it is some ughly scoopy doo stuff! I film them the corpse and they will arrest that arogant b*tch!!! *

I run fast whit tears on my blue orbs ( She has fake contact lenses to make her self preetier, and yes this is another charackter that i wait to be dissed in the comments) while my dress is flattered air.

I take fast my phone out of my pocket to film it, and i click on the red putten.

Reaching the destination my heart drops a beat. The corpse is gonne! No blood! No footsteps of her! NO BRAIN PIECES!!

'Friend':" WHERE IS THE BODY!?"

Y/n pov...

Nightmare teleportet us to my aquarium room, where all my healed fish are. I ran to the back of the room to get a more bigger aquarium for him to, but it only fits a giant pacific octopus or the size of one. (The larges octopus of the world)

* Wait a damn minute... Why didnt i toughet of that earslier! NIGHTMARE IS MAYBE A GIANT PACIFIC OCTOPUS!!!*

While seeting the aquarium on a free spot, Nightmare loos at the other fishes interessted. Nightmare tapping on the survise of the aquarum made me laugh a bit.

While filling the big aquarium with water, I hear glass smashing in the direction of the living room.

'Friend' pov...

I smashed the window with a rock that was laying arounde, I unlocked the window from reaching it and i enternd in. I started to record again and went searching up the living room and and the kichten.

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