Part 11

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Just about to tell that all of the pics and charackter dont belong to me. They belong to the one who made them. I just make plots here... and I thank mikashauwuloveu for her support.

Y/n pov...

* Brooooo... my head..*

I open my eyes only to be covered whit bandages all over my head and eyes.

I remove them from my eyes but still keep them on my head. I look around only to be meet whit a light-blue room.

Little messy I must say. I get up and look more around.

* Well a little cleaning wouldn't hurt would it*

Some minutes late...

* Ta da~ All clean.*

I say and put the cool looking weapon behind the door. I swim in the middle of the room to see if I am surly done.

* Yep everything clean.*

I go to the door who had a mirror on him and notice I have a beautiful necklace on me whit a dark blue stone on it.

I was about to get it off me but wenn I did I couldn't breath so I but fast back.

* That was close. So this necklace can make me breath under water. Nice.*

I look at the door and try open it.

* It's open! YEESSS!!*

I do a little peek to see if someone is coming. No one...

First i need to get out of here and go find Nightmare and the rest.

There are two ways to go. One what looks like a garden. And the other that looks like a library.

Which one should I take ↔?



Sorry that is short.

I just didn't know what to write this time

bad sanses mermen x f!readerWhere stories live. Discover now