Part 7

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Well the 6 chapter was a little bad but I hope you will like this one...

I hear how my phone wiprates.

" But I don't want to wake up..."

" Still wake up already."

* Wait a damn minute. Is that...* i stand up straight and look over my room, only to be meet with a naked skeleton.

" OH MY GOD TAKE SOME CLOTHES!! PLEASE FOR GOD SAKE!!" I scream and cove my face whit a blanket. A red blush form's on my face.

" Well where do I get these called clothes?" Nightmare asks.

I stand up only looking at the floor and start my way to my closet. I open it and I throw him shorts, a black t-shirt, and cyan pants.

" How do I put this on?"

* I'm not gonna dress him up! I'm not gonna dress him up! I'm not gonna dress him up! I'm not gonna dress him up!*

Five minutes later...

" I can't believe I just dressed him up." I say not loud enough to for him to hear.

He looks at the mirror fascinated :" So that's how you humans put on clothes. When should I give it back to you?"

"You don't need. It's a gift from me." I say not to happy.

Y/n:" What are you doing here anyway? And how did you become legs from all of the sudden?"

Nightmare:" Well three kisses from a human can make me legs. And so I thought why not visit you.

Y/n:" But you only kissed me two times... never mind! What am I gonna do whit you now."

Nightmare:" Make out~"

Y/n:" Hell no."

I start running down the stairs and go in the kitchen.
Nightmare follows me :" Oh come on. Are you scared?"

I look at him angry :" I'm not scared. I just don't know how, whit a skeleton. And second we know each other for like three days, you are still a stranger to me."

I say and lift my chair up to throw at him. All of the sudden his tendril comes out of his back and takes the chair from me. I sigh knowing this is not gonna bring me anywhere.

" Want breakfast?"

" W-what?"

" I don't want to fight you so I try to change the subject. Want something to eat?" I ask.

He gives a sigh nods and takes a seat.
I start making breakfast.

After I was done I sat it down

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After I was done I sat it down. And give nightmare the plate. He started to eat it, he gives a tone that says it's good.

That made me a little smile on my face and started to eat mine too.

* I'm happy that mom showed me how to do it.*
(Your family is not dead. And you don't have an abusive parents. This is not some depressed story)

" How did you learn how to make that." Nightmare asks and still staring at the food.

" My mom showed me how to do it before I moved here." I say and take another bite from it.

"Why did you move here anyway. You know about the story's that lured here right?" he asks looking at me confused.

"Well I did hear that in this property where monsters and that kind of stuff. But one day I was about ask about to move here, until I meet Jace. I saw how many loved him and admired him. But you know that in every story is a plot. And I found that plot faster than anyone else could read. He wanted to make a labor for monsters. To experiment on them, take there organs and sell them. Or even worse kill them, like they never exist. I couldn't let that happen of course so I bought it before he could. And look at me. I live here 4 years now, how come I didn't meet you since than?"

Nightmare looks at me fascinated:"Well three years ago we where by a friend by the north. Because we didn't want that people catch us. So we went away to let the people know we don't live here anymore and that we are not a threat anymore. After we came back, killer told me about a girl that lives near now. So I went to investigate. And I saw that you are not a threat to us. Ok sometime you went to dive that was hard for us to catch food when you where out there."

"Heh, sorry." I say and shrug a little.

Nightmare gives me an amused smile.
"No you don't need to. Now we all know your not a threat to us anymore."

We finish our plate and I do the dishes. All of the sudden I hear a car pull up. I dry my hands and look out the window. I look outside and see a red sports car. A girl and three guys come out of it and bang on my door screaming " Open the f*cking door b*tch!*

I take the bat that belongs to the guy and hid it behind my back.
I open it still on my pyjamas but not caring.
"How may I help you?" I ask putting on a smile.

"Where is Jace!? Where did you put him!!??" Says that girl. I remember seeing her whit him. She is a player too.

" I'm really sorry. But I don't know where he is." I say trying to keep my smile and from hurting her.

Nightmare was in my room trying to know how to use a shower. So he is save.

" Lyier!! As he drove away he went to get his boat and his gun- I mean knife."

I sigh "I'm sorry to say this but he ether got lost or got eaten by shark's. You know the rumours around here."

"Than why do you have a boat?"

" Belongs to my grandfather. He wanted me to fix it so me and him can go fishing again." I say.

She grits her teeth" Boys, get her!!"

The guys where about to enter my house but I knock the first one whit the bat. The other one tried to punch me, I dug down and kick his nuts and whit my elbow, I hit his forehead.

The girl and the other guy stepped back. The run to the car and the guys on the floor stand up in pain, run to the car as fast as they can. They get in and drive away from here.

I hear clapping in front of me and I see the skeletons where amazed by mine kicks and hits I shoved them.
A skeleton whit golden tooth and red eyes screamed " That's how you do it. Whooohuuu."

That got me embarrassed "Stop it guys please."
I hear clapping behind me now "That was amazing how you hurt them." I went whit nightmare by the sea. I really didn't want to kiss nightmare so I put my mask on and dive in.

Nightmare was a little disappointed but he understood it. They all complimented me of how good I kicked there ass.

That's it for today guys hope you like it and we see each other in the next chapter. Bye...

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