part 19

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I know what you all are gonna ask. Why did you stop writing? Where were you? Why did it took so long?

Guess what... i dont know ether... i know... sad, but its not my fault. The school started to be more harder than ever and i just buyed my new phone. Hope you enjoy and sorry for taking this long

Y/n pov...

Me and Dust are trying to avoid his attacks, but they are only getting faster!
In the corner of my eye I see Dust got captured now!

Y/n:" DUST!!!"

I take my spear out and was about to lounge it at him. But only got stopped by emo Ink here. Me and him start battling over my spear. Until I hear a Crack...

I turn towards Dream night...

Dust got a big Crack on his left eye, he tries looking at me.
I can't move... emo Ink looks towards Dust too. It was all silent for a while... dream night only smiles down at him, not caring giving him mercy... it's so silent I can hear my little whimper...

I break the silents with my beautiful smile....

I kick fast at emo inks stomach and take my spear out of his grip. I attack him with it and knock him off. I take his head and bang it hard on the stone.


(Bonus: You banged his head twice...)

I let trow him down not caring anymore. I stare at Dream night with fire burning in my eyes.
He just gives a ugly smile. And he throws Dust away too.

Dream night:" Shall I kill you?"

I looked over his shoulder and started smirking.

Y/n:" I don't think he will allow you that."

Dream night:" What-"

I'm so sorry that this is short and stuff school is right now killing the whibes....

I thank you all for the support you gave me and the wholesome comments~Garra lee

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