Part 17

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I apologyse for the short chapter but i was in a hurry because of christmas. Hope you all well. And happy new year for those who do party for it. 🎆🎉🎊🎁

Y/n pov...

I stand up angrily and go towards my closet and open it to take my shark gun out. Dust gaspes as he sees me loading it with poisen.

Dust:" W-what are you going to do with it?"

Y/n:" Kill someone that hurt Killer."

Dust:" Didn't you tell me you are sick or something?"

Y/n:" I dont care! But we need to find Killer, something is wrong. I know something is wrong, he would never miss an opportunity to visit me. Only if he is being stopped by someone!"

I look at the gun and make an loading noise. That got Dust a little krible on  his back. He brushes it off and puts an arm on my shoulder.

Dust:" Ok we can go find Killer but you should know if he really is in danger than you should at least have a weapon with you. A gun is really good but what happens if the bullets went out? Or it doesnt work any more. Well you will need at least have another one like a... a-"

Y/n:" Spear! Thats what i need, a spear for sealers of course! Thanks for reminding me!"

I run towards the garage only to be stopped by Dust again.

Dust:" Don't forget you are sick! And do you even know how to use it?"

Y/n:" Belive me, you don't know what i have been trough..."

I snapped at him letting me go. I open the garage door and take my fishing spear from the corner. Going trough all the boxes i find my swiming mask. It's a special mask, this mask if perfect for hunting fishes deep down in the ocean where you can't even see a little light. 

I put some reserv oxygen capsuel behind the mask. I mean you never know. I walk outside and look at the ocean. 

* Well who would have tought i will need to save one of my saviors. Better rescue him now than stand here.*

I look behind me towards my house and see Dust looking at my box :" Come on Dust, we don't have all day." He looks at the box one more time than walks towards me, he looks at me worried but lets out a sigh and smiles again :" Maybe i dont know what you have been trough but if you get injured by any chance and Nightmare finds out. I will be in the caslte for a whole year because of you both. And not to meantion you're sick. But lets just hope Killer isn't in danger." He sighs and i just smile at him back and we go togheder the sparkely and deadly ocean.

" This is the way we use to come to you." Dust explains while holding my hand to not be left behind. Why? Well he is actully faster than me, and we humans don't have a fish tail like them. 

* And I wish to have these tails... Can nightmare even make me one with his magic?*

I stop thinking and look where we are going. Suddenly a knife is being trown directly at us, luckly dust cought it with his magic. I take my spear and look who trowed it.

From the shadows comes-
Dust:" What the- Blueberry?!" 

* No wait, he isn't Blueberry... he looks differnet? He has blood all over him and his pupils are not shaped as stars. He doesn't have a evil grin, that doesn't fit him*

His grin falls and looks at Dust angrily:" I'm not 'Blueberry' little dust trower! I am Yanberry!" he shouts at Dust and aktivates his magic. Dust eyes widens what lets me confused. But he summens a larg bone on his hand.

Bluebe- I mean Yanberry suddenly notices me and i don't know if im imaganing or did his pupiles turn into hearts because of me? His evil little grin turns back and sumens another knife... and is that a blush on his face? 

* Maybe i need to try drinking coffee the next time we go save someone.*

His magic lowers a little bit i take this chance and but my spear behind my back and ask him a question at the same time :" Ehm hi? Anyway we didnt came here to fight but did you see our friend? He is a red shark with dark liquid coming from his eyes?" He looks at me amused :" Maybe~"

Y/n:" Let me guess, you did but you want somethink in return for the information, right?"

He noddes at me and starts to swim a little close what got Dust angry :" One more step- 

[ Author:" CUT"! 

 Dust:" What did i do wrong this time?" 

 Authro:" Step... really? You guys live underwater, you can't make a step!"

 Dust:" Ok then what should i say insted?"

 Author:" How about ' don't you dare come any closer!' or ' one more move and-"

 Dust:" Ok i got it!" 

 Author(wisper):" Thats why you are still single..."


Author:" lol "]
(sorry for that, it was just too funny to just add it in the story)

Dust point the bone at him angry as hell :" Come any closer to her and you will end up in dust just like the rest of my family."

Dust doesnt know what to do, he want's to protect me but at the same time he want to know what is happening right now. I want to do something but what?

Choose whisle dear reader:

1. Try talking to Yanberry calmly, and not act suspices

2. Try talking to Dust to calm him down.

3. Take your weapon out and point it at Yanberry

4. Do nothing and let the boys deal with it.

(5. Lie)

Please choose really whisle, because i dont want to Dust die that fast you know. And it will ruin everything... 

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