Part 18

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Well, the action is about to begin. So prepare yourself.


You choose: Talk to Yanberry calmly, and don't be suspicious

Y/n pov...

* Perhaps if I speak to him more and don't act suspiciously, he will actually show me where Killer actully is. Well, we are talking to a mermay who is a complete psycho and is madly in love with me already. It might work... GOD DAMNIT I HOPE IT WORKS!!!*

My hand rests on Dust's shoulder, as a sign that i will handle this now. He has a bad feeling about it, but i have it too. Man... Seeing Yanberry, I try to have a brave look on my face and speak: "Well-- Look we just want our friend back, that's all we are looking for. So tell me what you want from us, and I can see what I am capable of doing."

As he swims nearer to me, he stops and asks, "So all you two want is the dropy little friend of yours?"

A slow nod is my response.

He looks down at me as he says, "Well we found him sniffling tough stuff he shouldn't have. And I think about it, he may or may not already be dead." I'm stunned. A feeling of sadness and anger is forming within me. Trying to already poisen him with my gun, but something stopes me...

* Did he just say 'we'? So there are more of his friends? Maybe Dream and Ink are here too! I am sure they are different too. Not the same ether.*

I look up at him :" What do you mean 'we'?" He smiles more, leaning closer :"Aren't you clever little fishy." 

He leans back " Because you are cute and lovely i let you both pass. But i must warn you two. The others don't show mercy to anyone. And don't worry, your friend is still alive, he is just being questiond." he turn around and befor swimming of he looks at me one more time " If we stumble at each other again, I will take you dear~" and with a blink gone he is. 

* I do get it, but not so really now. 'I will take you' ? Thats is confusing*

Me and Dust look at each other confuesd. Dust starts to sniff and point at the thick coral bushes:" He went that way!"

We continue swimming till we start to hear some voices. We slow down a little and hide behind stones and look up. 

* We found him! But... WO IS THAT!? Nightmare-? Oh wait that isn't Nightmare. This Nightmare wears a golden crown and kinda is... yellow? DREAM!? I NEVER TOUGHED DREAM CAN TURN INTO A GOOPHY OCTO-MERMAY?? And where do they come from? The other person is Ink, but he doesn't show any emotions. Damn, this is messed up i must say.*

Dream night:" Where is Yanberry. He should be back already."

Emo Ink(lets just call him like that for now):" I don't know. Should i go find him?"

Dream night:" No. Maybe next time. First we need to know where we are. Thill this version of 'Killer' wakes up we will can look for the other me or someth-."

Dream night suddenly stopps and his eyes land on our stone. We quieckly hide back not sure if he saw us or not.

Emo Ink:" I feel wached."

Out of nowhere our stone is being lifted and infront of us by the big dream. I fast take my gun out and point it at him. He throws the stones away and looks down at us like we are some crabs ready to be eaten by him. 

His tentical reaces at us but we doge it fast. I point the gun at his chest and fire it. 

* Did-... did he just caughed it?* 

Dream night:" Aww trying to kill me with out a little talk? How rude."

Y/n:" Well i got a little scared. Heh, i know, stubid from me. Anyway, what did you want to talk about?"

Dream night:" How to kill you in hunderd ways."

Y/n:" Kinda expected that."


I hope you enjoyed it. I know this is short but hope you like it. Bye love you~ Garra Lee

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