part 3

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Hello... and bye just enjoy what I'm writing and we are ok...

" Oh come on, tell me how I can breathe under here!" I say a little angry and confused. They look at each other unsure if I'm gonna be able to take it.

" W-well you know we can breathe here right." Cross starts.

I look at him whit a 'are you for real' look " Ehm, I'm a marine scientist. I know which creature belong here and which not."

Insanity facepalms himself.
" Let's just gonna say a kiss from a merman can make a human breath under water for about an hour or two. And just to your info it wasn't me!!"

I stop moving when i realize what he just said.  

* Sooo one of them kissed me? I really don't know how to feel right now...*

" It wasn't us either!" Says Cross and Killer at the same time. I look up confused:" Wait, who did it then?"

" If you really want to know who did it..." the person leans closer to my ear " I did~"

I feel a chill come down my spine. A pair of bony arms land on my shoulder, them having a strong grip on me.
" And you should thank me for that~." He says.

" uhm.. t-thanke you, sir." I mumbeld, they sound really scary.

He let's go of me.
" It's king to you, little peasant." He says. I turn around mad at him for calling me a peasant. 

The skeleton body is covered with a dark liquid. His under body is a black octopus. With one cyan eye looking down at me. His other eye is covered with that goop. With a beautiful golden crown with a moon symbol.

" Well Mister 'King', I would appreciate it if you would not call me a peasant." I snapped at him. 

"Thats a nice way to thank someone who saved you from that bastard. Not to mention, I was the one that also got almost shot from him. All that to only get a sassy remark from you." He says looking disappointed at the others. 

"Thank you." I whisper embarrassed. 

"What was that? I couldn't hear what you said, peasant." he teasingly asked and gets his face closer to me to hear me better. He clearly knows I will get mad for calling me a peasant again. 

"THANK YOU, MY KING!" I shout in his what is supposed to be his ear than look away how embarrassing it is.

" But for real, you guys could just but me back to my beach." I say and look at him.

" We wanted to make sure you're alive, and-" before he continues he lets out a big sigh "we wanted to thank you." He says and looks down at me.
All of the sudden we are surrounded with more skeletons coming out of every corner I look.  

" Thank me, for what?" I ask.

" For accepting us in your territory." Says one of the skeletons with the crazy eyes and comes up to me really close. I slowly push he back.

" Well ehm.. you guys are welcome anytime but I really got to go now. You know, do some human business I have to entend " I say and start to wave everyone bye. Well Nightmare didn't really like the human why of showing of a bye. The other didn't really care and swam away.

Killer accompanied me all the way to my beach. Before I got out of the water I asked a quick question.

" What happened to Jacke?"

" Well horror and Insanity ate him, and his little friend drowned to death." Said killer giggeling. 

" Ok, i must note to not come in his funeral." I whisper to my self.

Killer chuckles and we wave each other for the last time till I went to the survise. I see my boat parked out there too. Well at last they didn't forget it. I look at myself.

* Bro im so wet I need to take a shower. for that* I think to my self and start to run inside my home.

Nightmare pov...

" Boss why did you let her go?" Asks red angry.

" I see something in her that you guys won't see. And I'm sure she is not gonna tell anyone. I know when someone is lying, she didn't lie when she told that jerk that. I'm sure we're gonna see her again." I say and try my best to hide the smirk of mine.

I swim back to my Kingdom.

* Lets hope she will survive the whole year with us.*

I can't stop my laughing anymore and start to swim faster.

Back to you...

* Omg, my dumbass forgot to feed the fish in the aquarium's!!!*

I think to myself and run take care of them.

Hope you guys liked it and see ya... removed the hugging scene with more like normal way. I had many complains of Y/n hugging them and I understand why. It was cringe 🤢. Now that is fixed I will continue my story

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