Part 5

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Well i hope you like my book guys....

I look at the poster one last time before I go in the shop.

*I mean he deserved to die anyway. And even if they found out he died I still won't go to his funeral. It would only waste my time, standing in front of his grave. I would actually dance on his grave. So please don't invite me.*

It starts to spread a smile on my face as I enter the fish section. I take some sand, see grass and some branching corals. As I was about to leave I see some beautiful Pectinia corals!

* Omg there beautiful... but they are so expensive! Damn it! Sometimes I hate if they cost so much. There are so many of them!*

But at the end I boughed what I needed and went out.
I park next to my doorway to drop all the stuff off and to finally buy groceries.

I open the door but the stuff next door, and went on my bike and start riding to the supermarket wich is the opposite direction of the zoo shop. 

Once in there I take the list🗒and see what I need to buy:
-Pocky:(F/fl) {Favorit flavor}
-sack for garbage bags

As I look through the shelfs I pump into someone.
*Upss, ok act normal.*
I turn to the person not looking directly at them and say fast:" orry."

Turning around they grab me on the shoulder and start to shout at me:"How dare you, you b*tch!"

I turn around and look at him in the eyes with a surprised look.
He was an older man, on the 40. He has a beard and many tattoos on his shoulder. He looks like a biker. Oh wait he is one, I look at the window and see a big motorcycle. Must be his.

Y/n:" I apologies, it was an accident sir."

Stranger: " No you did this on purpose!"

Y/n:" How did I do this on purpose? I didn't mean to bump into you."

Stranger:" Yes you did! I know your games lady. Don't try this act of 'innocent lady' act ,you just try to get me kicked out of the store!"

*He is one of the dramatic people of the store? Why me again.*
Y/n:"Sir please, it was an accident I swear."

He raised his hand up to slap me, but I block it with my left hand. He looks at me surprised. I than kicked him in the nuts.

As he bowed down in pain I took his head and punched it with my knee. He falls on the ground blood coming out of his mouth and nose. screaming in pain.

" Don't make that kind of drama to towards anyone again. I will kick your nuts if I find you do that again. Bye bye~." I say and turn around and see I got everybody's attention.

" All im gonna say is I self-defended. You should try it. It helps." I say and start my way to find the stuff I need to buy. On my way everybody moved to make way for me, I could see pure fear in their eyes.

*I don't understand how they see me as a threat now. I just self-defended myself.*

I went to get milk and I see many man's standing there not knowing which milk they should take.

* Oh boy. It's not that hard? I take the bio milk, it's better, maybe expensiv but at least good.*

Time skip...

I open my front door and close it with my foot. Carefully I put the groceries on the kitchen table as I also put my bag with the keys on it too. *I just hope they didn't call the police. Or even worse filmed me. I don't like that much of attention.* I think as I lean on the table

I go by the window and look that the sun as it slowly goes down. I take my Pocky with my favorite flavor and wait for Horror to come. I go on the wooden way and sit down looking at the beautiful pacific ocean moving and waves forming. As the waves hit against the rocks at the hill.

So sudden I hear a small splash next to me. I turn around only to see with an anchor next to me on the wooden desk. I just look at it confused. 

* Is horror trying to scare me or something?*

I try to lift it up but it's to heavy! I put my Pocky down and try to lift it up again. Suddenly I hear a boney hand trying to reach my Pocky.

" You know, if you want some you could ask. It's not that hard." I say annoyed and take my Pocky. Killers head pops out of the water and Horror's too.

" Horror, you said this would work!" Said killer angry and nudges Horror a little.  " Well didn't know she could hear good..." Horror says looking at killer angry and punching his shoulder. I open it and hand killer and horror one.

" What are these anyway." Horror asks looking at them. " Those are something sweet. It's called Pocky. I like them, you can try them of course. I don't mind it actually." I say with a smile.

Horror takes one and bite on them. He instantly freeze for a few seconds. He looks at me totally out of words, than starts to eat it with full of heist.

Killer sees that and takes one too. He eats it and gives me an amused smile.
" Can we have more?" Killer and horror ask at the same time, so I hand them two more. They take them gladly.

All of the sudden more skeleton pop out of the water. Cross and Insanity being one of them. It scared me so much I jumped a little.

They all look at me really suspicious in their eyes. I look at them back unsure because I'm not sure what to do now. I hand one Pocky to the black skeleton whit the blue tears.
* Is he ok? Was he crying that much??*

He takes it and goes in the water. ( Im really sorry about this bad grammar. It's just my first English story.)

They all are still staring at me.
* Do I have something on my face?*

All of the sudden the skeleton with the crazy eyes comes to me and lays on my lap.
" What are you doing?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

" Since I know you won't harm us, I tough I could lay on a humans lap for once." He says as lays on his stomach on my lap. I push him off to the water, but still comes back and still smiling. I start to smile and shake my head how crazy they are.

" Where even is your king. Is he doing king stuff or something?" I ask bored.

" Well yes he does. But he was in a really bad mode so Killer decided to come with me to meet you. Looks like he got really mad." Horror says and looks at the others.
They look at him back and nod.

" Sooo-" I got broken up by hearing shattering glass behind me. The skeletons all go down in the water for their safety. I turn around and see the guy from the store who I kicked his nuts. He is breaking my glass whit a bat!!

I stand up angry and go straight to him screaming:" What the h*ll are you doing!?"

He turns around and looks at me with an evil smile:" This is what you get from kicking me in the store b*tch, haha!*

Y/n:" I was self defending, man!"

Stranger:" You where trying to get me kicked out of the store!"

Y/n:" Mind telling why I would do that??!"

Stranger:" That's every womans goal!"

Y/n:" Get my f*cking window fixed."

Stranger:" Bye bye." He says and tries to hit me with the bat but I was able to dodge it. He was about to hit me again but we start to fell water reach our legs. We looked down and see the ocean is about to come towards us.

* Oh no.*

Hope you like it and I'm sorry if I spelled something wrong, I finally fixed it.

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