Chapter 3 - Coffee & Toast

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It was about an hour before the tears stopped, and Wanda had nodded off to sleep. Natasha didn't suspect Wanda felt much better, but more that she was exhausted and needed rest. She was glad for Wanda to have a break though. Feeling that much, and that intensely, can break a person, and even seeing Wanda that way was breaking Natasha.

She was able to move Wanda off her slowly, and lay her on the bed, her long hair still soaking the sheets. Natasha quietly stood up, and stretched herself out. She thought about going to change as her gym gear, while no longer soaked in sweat, still stunk and was now wet from Wanda's hair. She didn't want Wanda to wake up and panic, so quickly grabbed one of the notebooks from the desk drawer and scribbled a note.

Gone to change and get some food.

Will be back soon.


She left the note on the other pillow to make sure Wanda would see it, and quietly exited the room. Natasha jumped when she was abruptly met by the tall figure of Vision outside the door.

"Jesus!" Nat couldn't help but call out, but quickly checked behind her to make sure Wanda was still asleep before softly closing the door.

"Sorry, Miss Romanoff. I just needed to know if Miss Maximoff was okay?"

"Of course, Vision. I won't say she's okay, but she will be. Thank you for coming to get me."

"Naturally. Miss Romanoff, I have noticed your interest in Miss Maximoff and I believed you to be the best equipped person to help. I don't think Miss Maximoff likes me very much."

"She's grieving Vision. I don't think she likes anyone right now."

"Of course. I understand. Do you need any help with anything?"

"No, thank you. I'm just going to get changed and grab some food for Wanda and I. Would you like me to make you something?"

"Ah, no need Miss Romanoff. Although I am partially made of human cells, I don't require food."


"Yes. I can however cook for you, if that would help?"

"Thank you for the offer Vision, but I've got it."

"Of course, Miss Romanoff. Please let Miss Maximoff know I am here should she require anything."

"I will Vision. Also, just one more thing."


"Call me Nat."

"Of course...Nat."

Natasha smiled at him before heading to her room. She turned back to see Vision lingering at Wanda's door, before slowly phasing down to the floor below. Heading to her own room, she quickly turns as she enters and shuts the door. As she leans back against it, she releases a big sigh before breaking into tears.

Natasha didn't let it show often, but she was a very empathetic person. She believes that her empathy, however hard they tried in the Red Room, was one thing she couldn't be rid of, and as much as it pained her sometimes - she was glad she never forgot how to feel.

Seeing Wanda in that way was devastating, and she barely knew her. She thought about if her brother or her parents could see her now what they would think, and it made her even more upset to know that they never will.

Natasha allowed herself this moment to let out how she had been feeling, knowing that bottling it would amount to no good and would prove her useless to Wanda in the long run. Almost as suddenly as it came on, Natasha stopped crying and began taking off her wet clothes. She considered a quick shower but wanted to be there before Wanda woke up so decided against it.

Once fully dressed she headed back out towards the kitchen, pausing at Wanda's door to check for noise. On hearing silence, she continued. Natasha pulled bread and butter from the cupboard, and slotted 4 slices into the toaster, then switching on the coffee machine she pulled out two mugs. She prepared a cup for herself how she liked it, black, and poured a little jug of cream and put some sugar into a bowl with a spoon to bring with her, as she didn't know how Wanda took her coffee.

For a second she stopped moving and her mind wandered back to Wanda as she stood in silence gazing at the toaster. She didn't know if what she was doing would help the her, but knew she had to try. Natasha thought about getting Sam to speak to Wanda again as he was due back soon, and as the thought crossed her mind she was jolted by the noise of the toaster popping.

She quickly buttered the 4 slices, figuring this would be easy on Wanda's stomach, and tidied a little before picking up the prepared tray of food and heading back to Wanda's room.

Natasha didn't bother knocking, assuming Wanda to still be asleep. As she entered the room she stopped dead when she saw Wanda standing there with her back to the door. She turned as Natasha entered, zipping up the hoody which was baggy on her small figure.

"Sorry, Wanda. I didn't think you would be up."

"It's okay," Wanda croaked, her Sokovian accent was thicker than Natasha remembered.

Wanda realised that this was the first she had spoken in weeks. She didn't know how to feel about that. Before she could linger too long on it, her stomach spoke again for her.

"Hungry?" Natasha smiled at her.

Wanda gave her a weak smile in return and nodded her head. Natasha sat the tray down on the desk and gestured for Wanda to take a seat, which she did without hesitation. Natasha brought over her toast sitting it down in front of her, and before she could turn away Wanda had a slice in her mouth. Wanda hadn't realised that she was so hungry, and was extremely glad for the food.

As Natasha turned away she smiled, glad to have done something right for her.

"Cream, sugar?"

Wanda looked at her confused.

"In your coffee,"Natasha pointed at the mug on the desk.

"Oh. Please."

Natasha put a little of each in and brought the two hot mugs to the bed, at the foot of which she took a seat, passing one to Wanda.

"Thank you."

Natasha gave her a thoughtful smile and reached for a slice of toast, noticing Wanda was already on her second. The two women sat in silence, the only noise the crunching of bread and of mugs being picked up and put down. Natasha watched Wanda out of the corner of her eye, noticing she kept looking back at the last slice of toast.

"You can have that."

"No, it's okay."

"Honestly, Wanda. Eat. I've already eaten," a white lie Natasha didn't feel bad about. She knew Wanda needed it more than her. Proven as without any further hesitation Wanda lifted the last slice and finished it in a moment and few bites.

"Better?" Natasha asked, smiling.

"Better," Wanda gave another weak smile back.

A/N: Next chapter coming Thursday - thank you all for reading so far.

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