Chapter 17 - Old Feelings

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No sooner than she had fallen asleep, Wanda found herself waking in her own bed. It was mid afternoon and she could hear talking outside her door, and was that laughing? She got up and poked her head out into the hall, and saw Natasha walking to the kitchen with another woman, a brunette.

Wanda felt a little twinge in her stomach, but quickly pushed that feeling down and closed the door.

In the kitchen, Natasha poured out two cups of coffee and sat one in front of her companion, former S.H.I.E.L.D. Deputy Director Maria Hill, and their conversation continued.

"I'm just saying Nat, it's a few nights away. What harm can it do?"

Natasha cocked her brow and smirked, "So what, now you suddenly have all the time in the world for trips away?"

"Hey, it's not like you had a free schedule either."

"You do realise, that most of those missions I was on were because you sent me?" Natasha rebutted.

"Technicalities. I'm saying I'm free now," Maria replied with a smile.

"So first you send us on a wild goose chase of a mission last night, and now you want to go on a date?"

"Not just a date, a three night, all expenses paid, no expense spared, date," Maria corrected.

Natasha looked at Maria, who was smirking back at her. You wouldn't think from her professionalism, but Maria had always been a great flirt.

"Tempting, but I'll pass," Natasha replied, flatly.

"You'll pass on what?" Wanda had just walked into the kitchen smiling.

Natasha had always prided herself on her ability to play it cool, but the reason for refusing Maria's date had just entered the room and she wasn't sure how to navigate this conversation. Seeing Maria about to speak, Natasha interrupted.

"Another mission. Sounds like a dead end," she said quickly.

Wanda nodded, pouring herself a cup of coffee, "I understand that." She then turned to Maria.

"I don't believe we have met," Wanda said, holding out her hand.

Maria took it and gave it a shake, "We actually have, briefly, but there was a lot going on that day. I am very sorry about your brother Wanda."

Natasha quickly looked at Wanda and could see her body tense at the mention of Pietro. Wanda just gave a weak smile, and quickly excused herself. Natasha watched her leave, before turning to Maria.

Maria noticed Natasha's expression, "What?"

"Did you really have to bring up her brother?"

"What else was I supposed to say? Also, a mission? Am I a chore?" Maria said, a slight tone of annoyance in her voice.

"That's not what I meant, but Maria you can't expect to waltz in her a year later and think that everything would be the same."

Maria got up from her seat and walked over to Natasha who was still stood on the opposite side to the counter from her. She got closer than Natasha would have liked, but at the same time Natasha found herself unable to move.

"Tell me this doesn't feel the same," Maria said quietly before leaning in and kissing Natasha.

Natasha returned the kiss, old feelings coming back to the surface that she hadn't thought about in a long time. She let Maria push her against the counter as the kiss got more intense, and also didn't protest when she felt Maria's hand run up the back of her neck, gripping her closer. The deeper Natasha sunk into the kiss, the harder it was to stop. After a few moments, Natasha managed to snap out of it and pulled away from Maria.

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