Chapter 42 - Dinner for Two

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Wanda POV

It made no sense for me to be nervous about this date, but I was.

I had no idea what Natasha had planned, only that it involved dinner. She had avoided me most of the day, believing it would make the date all the more special if we had time alone and got ready by ourselves. She wasn't wrong. It had only been a few hours and I missed her, despite still feeling a little weird about how she had been behaving.

The doctor cleared her earlier, and thank God he did. It seemed that she had got a little of her fire back. I had missed it. The few times I had seen her today she did genuinely seem in a better mood, and Steve and her were even joking around in the kitchen afterwards, as if nothing had happened. I'm glad they made up.

As I waited in my room, I watched the clock tick by nearing 7pm. It seemed like time had slowed since I got ready, and unfortunately I had got ready with plenty of time to spare. In order to occupy my restless hands I got back up from where I had been sat on the end of the bed, and headed to the mirror to check my outfit again.

When I looked at myself I was extremely grateful that I had updated my wardrobe over the past few months too. I had very little of my own clothes when I came to the compound, and had been making do with whatever Pepper had left me, but none of it was suitable for a date night.

It was hard to know what to wear as I didn't know how dressed up I should be, so I opted for something that would hopefully work for all situations. It was a black skater dress, with some black tights as it was getting cold out, and I finished it with a dark green long collared coat, which was still sitting on the bed. I had tried to get away from my usual style when I was buying new clothes. It felt like the version of me that dressed how I used to was slowly becoming less of who I was now, and I figured that being in a new place with entirely new people gave me some freedom to figure out how I wanted to dress.

It took a lot of self control not to get the coat in red though.

I had just sat back down when I heard a light knock at the door, and immediately jumped up to answer it. I had hoped I could play it cool tonight, but I couldn't wait to see her again and was excited to see Natasha out of training gear or pyjamas. I had caught a glimpse at her wardrobe when I was getting clothes for her, and well the woman knew how to dress.

Nothing could have prepared me for the sight that met my eyes when I opened the door. She looked amazing. She too had opted for a dress, but in red. It met every curve of her body as if it had been made only for her, and ended just a little above her knee. She was a little taller too, as she was wearing heels, and had a black leather jacket in her hand.

When I finally tore my eyes away from her body, after an embarrassingly long stare, I noticed the smirk on her face. Her hair had grown out a little since we'd first met, and she had straightened it so it looked even longer.

"Sorry, I lost track of time and just threw this on. Is it okay?" she asked sweetly, still smirking.

"I- Uh..." I fumbled over my words, "You look-"

"Thanks," she cut me off with a kiss on the cheek, "You look pretty great yourself. Is this new?" she added.

"It is," I looked down at my outfit and played with the skirt portion of my dress, "I wasn't sure what we were doing so I wasn't sure how dressed up to get."

"You look perfect," Natasha said sincerely. I stopped fidgeting with my outfit and met her gaze again. I wasn't sure how I was going to survive tonight if she kept looking at me how she was.

Since she had got back we for sure had stepped things up in our relationship, but it had all been very sweet. This though, this dress, and the look she was giving me, that smirk. This all felt a lot more intense. It was more than welcome.

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