Chapter 20 - Change of View

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"Steve, can I have a word?"

Natasha had just walked into the kitchen and was met by Sam and Steve joking and eating together at the table. The two men turned to look at her as she spoke.

"I'll give you guys some space," Sam suggested as he went to get up.

"Don't be silly Sam, stay where you are. This won't take long," Natasha smiled.

Sam shrugged and smiled back, returning to his sandwich.

"What's up Nat?" Steve asked.

"Wanda and I are going to take a few days off, to go see Clint and his family. I know the Rumlow trail is cold right now, but if you need us we can be back here in a few hours with the jet."

Steve waved off her assurances, "That sounds like a great idea Nat, I doubt anything exciting will be happening here any time soon. Plus it'll be good for Wanda to get out of here."

"That's what I thought," Natasha agreed.

"So Clint had his baby?" Sam asked, "Can't believe the guy was able to hide a whole family under your noses for years and you had no idea."

"Well Nat knew," Steve corrected.

"Aunty Nat," Natasha corrected again with a smile.

The three shared a laugh, and Natasha showed Sam the picture of Nathaniel on her phone.

"Nathaniel... Pietro...," Sam read slowly aloud, "He named his kid after you and Wanda's brother? That's sweet."

Natasha nodded and put her phone away again, "We were planning on leaving day after tomorrow. Just to give Clint and Laura some time. Wanda and I can help out with their other kids while we're there."

Sam spoke up again, "That's a whole different life from here."

"It is," Steve remarked quietly.

Natasha looked at him empathetically. She knew from speaking with Steve that he would have loved a life like Clint's, as would she.

Sam noticed too, and gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"So if Nat is Aunty Nat, what are you? Grandpa Steve?" Sam laughed to lighten the mood.

Steve gave Sam a playful shove in return, and accidentally knocked his sandwich out of his hand and on to the floor. Earning a laugh from Natasha.

"Man, that's just cold," Sam remarked as he picked his food up from the floor.

"I'll leave you guys to your lunch then. I need to give Clint a call," Natasha excused herself. As she walked away she could hear the two men bicker for a minute before the laughter started again. Natasha was happy that Sam had joined the team. He helped lighten Steve up a little, and remind him that while sometimes it didn't seem that way, the world wasn't always so serious.

She returned to her own room and as if he knew, her phone buzzed with a video call from Clint.

"Congratulations!" Natasha called into the phone as soon as it connected.

She was met by Clint's excited face and he quickly panned the phone down to his arms, where his newborn son was asleep.

"Meet your new nephew," he said quietly so as to not disturb the baby.

Natasha grinned at the phone and admired all his little features.

"He looks just like Laura," she remarked, "Thank god."

Clint panned the phone back up to his own face which was feigning annoyance before he quickly broke and laughed.

"I can't really argue with that," he admitted.

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