Chapter 23 - Sundown Secrets

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Once Clint and the two older children had returned from their errands, Clint got to work preparing dinner for everyone and Natasha joined him in the kitchen, not fully trusting him to make an edible meal.

"I have raised two children you know?"he remarked, feigning annoyance at her supervision.

"Yes, two children that I love dearly and would like them to see tomorrow so let me help," Natasha demanded, bumping Clint out of the way at the stove.

While Lila and Cooper played in their rooms, and Nathaniel slept in his bassinet, Wanda and Laura returned to the porch and each had a glass of wine.

"I hope you don't judge me for having a drink," Laura laughed, sipping on her glass.

"Not at all. I honestly don't know how anyone goes through labour, let alone 3 times. You're a total hero, Laura and you can have all the wine you want," Wanda replied.

Laura laughed, "Well I don't know about all that, but I will enjoy this one glass anyway."

The two clinked their glasses together.

"So," Laura started, "I'm too curious to wait. What's going on with you and Nat?"

Wanda choked on her wine at the question.


"Sorry, is it a secret?" Laura said apologetically, "I didn't mean to impose."

"No, it's fine," Wanda replied having composed herself slightly, "I just didn't think there was anything going on with myself and Natasha."

"Really?" Laura asked shocked.

Wanda laughed, "Yes really."

"Oh. It's just that...never mind," Laura trailed off.

"No sorry. What I mean is, well I think she likes me and I like her, but she said that she would rather just be friends so I'm trying to respect her decision."

"You don't want to be just friends though, do you?"

"I would rather have her in my life as a friend than not at all. So I'm trying to get over it."

Laura thought for a second, and then went to speak, before stopping herself.

"What is it?" Wanda asked.

"I shouldn't really, I'm definitely sleep deprived."

Wanda laughed. She was shocked at close she felt to Laura already, having only met the woman today, but somehow she already felt like family and Wanda was very comfortable around her.

"Laura, what is it?"

"Look. I love Nat."

"She's great I agree, but I have a feeling that's not what you're trying to say," Wanda encouraged.

Laura sighed, and placed her glass down.

"Wanda. I love Nat, she's like a sister to me and Clint, she's brilliant and compassionate and fierce."

Wanda nodded, waiting for the point Laura was trying to make.

Laura continued, "She is all of those things, but she is also sometimes blind to what's in front of her, or sometimes...well most of the time, too stubborn to see a good thing staring her in the face. I've never known someone to put their own happiness to the back of their mind the way she does."

Wanda cocked her head, still waiting for Laura to explain.

"She had a horrific time before, with that woman," Laura's voice dripped with disdain.

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