Chapter 58 - New Tricks

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Wanda POV

When I woke up the next day, I was glad to be alone in the bed. I needed a moment to myself to gather everything I was feeling and brace for the day ahead. Despite assuring Natasha I was okay, and talking about it with Sam, I was finding it harder than I had hoped to keep my head above water the closer we got to the one year anniversary of Pietro's death. I was still managing, but I had just hoped it would be easier. After our birthday, I wanted to avoid feeling that way again as best as I could, but accepted that there's only so much of my own grief I could control.

We were going to the Sing for Sokovia concert later that evening, and I didn't know if that was making my feelings better or worse. I had initially hoped to meet other Sokovians there, but now I worried that if I did they may not receive me in a good way. I wasn't sure how many of them blamed Pietro and me for what happened, if I listened to the news I wouldn't be going for sure.

Steve and Natasha encouraged me to stay away from the media, as often those who reported on our actions didn't have the full picture, and usually any reports of us were more an attack than anything else. It was hard to ignore though, especially knowing so many people relied on the news to form their opinions. Was I hated? Was I feared? I really couldn't be sure.

Natasha had been extra attentive the past few weeks, with the anniversary coming up I guess she just wanted to make things as easy for me as she could. I had barely needed to lift a finger, which was nice but at the same time it was making me restless. I was thankful for training. Doing something physical made me feel better, and with my powers seemingly closely linked to my emotions it was helping me keep myself somewhat under control.

"Okay, I want to try something," Steve said as he picked himself up off the ground. He had offered himself up as target practice for me, and my most recent shot of energy had put him on his back. I did make sure to turn down the power though, I didn't want a repeat of what happened to Natasha.

"What is it?" Natasha asked, hopping up off the mat she had been sitting on. It was a sunny morning so we chose to train outside, planning to get it out of the way early so we could get into the city in good time for this evening.

"Well, I know Wanda can throw her energy, we've long established that. We also know she can lift things with her powers. So, what if you threw me?" Steve suggested with a smirk.

"Throw you?" I replied, unsure why he would want me to do that.

"That's not a bad idea," Natasha added. I turned and gave her a look to show her that I didn't agree.

"What?" she laughed, "You're not gonna break him."

"I broke you," I reminded her.


"Look Wanda, we don't have to if you're not comfortable, but Sam might not always be able to give me a lift to where I need to be. It would be really valuable to have someone else who can do that."

I took a second to think, maybe he had a point.

"Yeah, we can't all fly Maximoff," Natasha added with a smirk.

"Look, you could try and see how it goes. If you don't want to do it again we could leave it. Even just throw me on the mat," Steve spoke again, pointing to where Natasha had just stood from.

"Okay fine, but if you break something, I'm not responsible."

"Yes, ma'am," Steve smiled before jogging a bit further away, "I'll give you a running start, okay?"

"Okay," I nodded.

"You can do this," Natasha added, snaking her arms around my waist.

"If I'm going to do that I need you to back up," I turned to face her, "You're distracting."

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