Chapter 26 - Unexpected Expectations

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Natasha made good time in heading back to the compound, and arrived just as the sun was starting to come up. Steve met her on the ground and helped with the bags in, it took him a moment to notice before he asked where Wanda was.

"I told her to stay, she was having a really great time there and Clint and Laura are doing wonders for her. Plus, it'll be a few days and I'll be back. No big deal," Natasha explained.

"That wasn't really your call to make, Nat," he replied.

She turned to look at him, almost laughing until she realised he was serious.

"What's the big deal Steve?"

"It's not going to be just a couple of days."

Natasha dropped her bags as they had just arrived in the kitchen, "What do you mean?"

"I mean this is a recon job, and it'll be a few weeks."


"At least," he replied sadly.

"I don't get it. When I left here two days ago there was no sign of Rumlow. Now all of a sudden I'm needed on a recon job that could take a few least?!" Natasha replied, irritated and confused.

Steve didn't say anything, and just set down the rest of the bags on the floor. Natasha became impatient for an answer, so asked again, "What changed Steve?"

Natasha turned when she heard a cough coming from the couches on the other side of room, for the first time realising that they weren't alone.

"I got some new intel," Maria stated as she stood up with a coffee in her hand.

Natasha turned back to glare at Steve, and he quietly excused himself.

"I'm just gonna check on Sam," he mumbled, before quickly exiting the kitchen.

Natasha turned back to Maria, "Are you serious right now, you drag me away from a trip, from Clint and from Wa-," she stopped herself and took a breath before continuing, "For what Maria? Another wild goose chase?"

Maria sighed, and picked up a tablet from the kitchen table. She didn't speak but instead she brought an image up on the screen. Turning the tablet to face Natasha, it was clearly Rumlow's picture she was met with.

Natasha took the tablet from her and swiped through the images and CCTV footage.

"Where is this?" she asked dryly.

"Europe. He's made his face shown in a few different places now, both East and West of the continent."

"Well if you know where he is then what do you need me for?"

"We know where he is yes, but we don't know why he's so eager for us to find him. He's expecting Steve to start kicking down doors and drag him out of whatever hole he's in, but if that's what he's expecting us to do we need to do something else."

"So what, I tail him around Europe?"

Maria shrugged, "Pretty much."

"And this has nothing to do with the conversation we had when you were last here?" Natasha asked pointedly.

Maria smirked, "Trust me Romanoff, I know when I'm beat. That little witch has your full attention now," she paused to hold her hands up as Natasha was angered by the implication behind the nickname she had given Wanda.

"Hey look - more power to her," Maria laughed as she continued, "I hope you both enjoy each other, but I am here strictly on business. Think I would just come back to get rejected again? That's not really my style Nat."

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