Chapter 47 - Catch Up

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Wanda POV

The next morning I woke to find myself surprisingly well rested, despite not having a lot of sleep. It was a fantastic night, and I couldn't help but smile to myself as I thought about it. I always knew Natasha would have some "skills" but I think I underestimated her. I couldn't wait to see what else she could do.

With my mind solidly in the gutter, it took me a few minutes to realise that I was alone in the bed. This wasn't unusual as Natasha would often go and get breakfast before I woke up, but this time she had left a note. I took it from my bedside locker, and quickly read through it.

"Went to my doctors check up. Be back soon. Didn't want to wake you - Nat x"

I had felt bad that I slept in for the appointment as I usually went with her, but from the note I guessed it was fine and that she didn't mind. To be honest, I was glad for the extra time in bed. I really didn't want to move. Though, I did think that it would be wise to dress myself, just in case I had a visitor. I got up, pulled on some sweats, then brushed my teeth and hair, before getting back into bed.

To pass the time I pulled out my phone and began flicking through. I checked the news and then wanted to see if there'd been anything going on in the team group chat. It was mostly Sam sending memes that he found about us all online, only the nice or funny ones of course. The last one he sent really made Natasha laugh when she saw it. It was a collection of pictures of Steve looking up at the sky with a very serious face. It was captioned "Why does Captain America always look like a bird just flew away with his hot dog?"

I didn't realise that so many pictures were taken when the team were at work, but I suppose if you saw something like that on the street you would want to snap a quick picture too. Thankfully there hadn't been any of me yet, but I suppose that will come with time. The only other messages in the chat since had been from earlier that morning when Steve asked Sam to bring him something outside for training, so I locked my phone again and set it down.

Just as it hit the table it started to vibrate and I picked it up to see that Laura was calling. Only then did I remember that I was supposed to call her yesterday, but got kind of distracted. I hoped she wouldn't be mad when I swiped my finger across the screen to answer.

"Hello," I started.

"Hey Wanda, how's things?"

"Great. Sorry Laura, I was supposed to call and I got caught up and forgot."

"Don't worry about it. I just wanted to catch up. I haven't spoken to you in a while."

I knew that Laura wasn't trying to make me feel bad but I did. When Natasha was gone she and I talked pretty much every night, and she always made me feel better, but since Natasha had come back I guess I had been neglecting our friendship a little.

"I know Laura. I'm sorry about that. I guess with Natasha being home I've just been a little..."

"Distracted?" she added to finish the sentence, followed with a laugh.

"You could say that," I agreed.

"I'm glad that things are going so well with you two. I know it means a lot to both of you."

"It's better than I ever thought it could be, Laura. I feel like a completely different person since I met her, and I mean that in the best way."

"Well, you bring out the best in each other. I heard that you had a great date night. I want to hear all about it."

I then proceeded to go into great detail gushing about our night in the city. We had more mini dates since in the compound, but nothing like that first night. They've all been great, but the first date was on a completely different level. By Laura's reaction, I could tell she agreed with me.

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