Chapter 4 - Out of The Room

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Wanda wiped the toast crumbs from her chin, suddenly embarrassed about the events of that morning. She was very aware of Natasha watching her out of the corner of her eye. She cleared her throat in the hope that it may cause her to shift her gaze but it didn't work.

The two women sat there in silence for a few moments, until Wanda surprisingly spoke first.

"Thank you for the food, and for..."

Natasha interrupted, holding up a hand, "Honestly, happy to."

They shifted back into another silence. While not uncomfortable, it was noticeable. Neither knew what to say to the other. Despite the vulnerable moment she had just witnessed Natasha was essentially a stranger to Wanda, and this was something Wanda couldn't help but be very aware of.

Yet, she was in no hurry for her to leave. It was different to Steve, Sam, and Vision. Natasha had shown her care in her actions and not her words, and perhaps this is what had made the difference.

"Is there anything else you need?" Natasha asked thoughtfully.

"No. Really. You've done enough." Wanda croaked slightly when she spoke still. The screaming seemed to have done a number on her voice.

Nodding, Natasha got up and moved to leave.

"You're going?"

"Well, I did leave the training room in a bit of a mess. Rogers is such a stickler for that kind of stuff I really don't want to give him the satisfaction of having something to say. He's a military man through and through," Natasha chuckled.

Wanda found herself sad at Natasha leaving. On feeling this way she noticed that the pain she had been suffocating in the past few weeks was feeling just a little less crushing. She watched Natasha head to the door and as she went to open it, Wanda found herself speaking again.

"Can I come?"

Natasha was surprised, but tried not to let it show in her voice or face, "Of course."

Wanda pulled on some sneakers that Pepper had left for her, and Natasha waited for her by the door. When she was done Natasha gave her a small smile and held the door open for her.

Wanda fidgeted with her sleeves as the two women walked down the long and empty halls of the building, down a few flights of stairs, until they eventually reached the training room. Natasha held the door again for Wanda, trying to make this journey out into the world, however small, as easy as possible. She couldn't move any mental blocks Wanda had just yet, but she can make sure there isn't anything physically in her way.

As Natasha cleaned up the weights, and other gear she had left strewn over the room, Wanda watched after being assured that she didn't need to help. She looked around, amazed by the equipment available to them. Natasha caught her staring and gestured to her to go and try whatever she wanted.

Wanda got up and began walking around the room, stopping at a set of weights on the ground. She wanted to help Natasha, figuring it was the least she could do, and tried to pick up the weights to return them to their rack. She was embarrassed when even using both hands she couldn't lift it.

Natasha heard her grunt and turned. She smiled at the woman and called over, "Don't worry about that I'll get it in a sec."

Wanda was too stubborn to let this go. She hadn't done anything in weeks, and didn't find it acceptable that she couldn't do this one thing now that she was trying. She took a step back and lifted her arms out in front of her. Focusing hard, the red waves of energy came pouring out of her hands. Extending out from her body she guided them around the weights and slowly, carefully, set them back on the rack.

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