Chapter 35 - Hello

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A/N: We hit 10K reads last night so here is chapter 35 a little early! Hope you enjoy!

Vision tried to make some small talk as he led Wanda to the medical bay, but she was too nervous to pay attention.

She wasn't sure how this would go, and despite it not even crossing her mind at any other point today, she was worried that maybe things had changed between herself and Natasha in their time apart. Maria Hill had been with her for some time too, and Wanda wasn't sure how long. What if they had decided to try again?

Wanda stopped in her tracks and her thoughts began to run away from her. She was only broken out of her spiral when Vision put a hand on her arm. She looked up at him confused.

"Vision?" she asked.

The synthezoid froze for a second, and then seemed to become very aware that he was touching her, as if he hadn't done it on purpose. He moved his hand away quickly.

"Erm - Ms Maximoff I was just saying that it's right through there." He gestured to the door they were in front of.

"Okay good. Thank you," she replied in a daze. Natasha was on the other side of the door. She felt nauseous.

"Of course," Vision nodded at her thanks, and phased up a floor out of view.

Wanda stared at the door, willing something to push her through it. She just couldn't seem to put one foot in front of the other despite wanting nothing more than to hold Natasha in her arms again. It could have been one minute, or it could have been ten, but she didn't move from her spot.

That was until the door in front of her opened and she jumped. It was Steve.

"Wanda. I was just coming to find you," he said.


"Nat keeps asking where you are."


"What's wrong?"

"I'm nervous."

Steve laughed a little, "Why are you nervous?"

"I don't know, what if it's different?"

Steve put his hands on Wanda's shoulders and looked directly into her eyes.

"It's not," he confirmed.

That was all she needed, and with that Wanda took a deep breath and opened the door.

There she was.

"Wanda," Natasha smiled from the bed, her voice still a little croaky from being sedated.

Any anxiety that Wanda had been feeling had gone as soon as she saw her. She rushed to Natasha's side and carefully lifted the hand that was reached out towards her.

"Hey you," Wanda said quietly.

"Miss me?" Natasha smirked weakly.

"More than you'll ever know, but I swear Natasha if you ever scare me like that again I-"

"I know," Natasha interrupted, "I'm sorry."

"How do you feel?"

She shrugged, "I've felt better."

"You've looked better too," Wanda joked.

"Oh, ouch," Natasha faked pain, "Way to kick a girl when she's down." Even in pretending to be hurt, she couldn't stop smiling.

"Well you look a lot better than you did earlier, you gave me a scare."

"I heard you went all," Natasha gestured by wiggling her fingers with her free hand, "on Maria when we got here."

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