Chapter 43 - Sweet Talk

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A/N: So pleased that you all couldn't wait for the next part! Hope you all enjoy!

Natasha POV

As I watched Wanda seated opposite me, I honestly couldn't believe my luck. She looked amazing, and I was finding it really hard to keep my cool.

We had been taking things slow, and I was still fine with that, but at this moment in time I was finding it hard to focus on anything but her, and what we could be doing if we were truly alone. I was extremely thankful that Mark wasn't hanging around very long.

"Are you not having anything?" Wanda asked when she noticed I hadn't touched the food.

"You're really beautiful, you know that right?" I stated.

"Thank you," she replied shyly, as she went a little red. I loved how she couldn't hide her emotions, and didn't even try to when she was with me.

"What's good?" I asked, as I reached my fork across to the plate in the middle of the table.

"All of it," she mumbled, popping an olive into her mouth.

I laughed, and after trying a little of everything I had to agree, it was all great.

We continued chatting as we ate, and caught up on what we did during our time alone today. I had loved staying with Wanda in her room while I got better, but I felt bad taking up all her space so wanted to give her some time to herself. I know had I offered she would have refused, so I didn't really give her a choice. I was glad when I saw her light up as she talked about the new book she started, and told me all about the new music she had been listening to.

As we mentioned music it reminded me of the record player we had here, so once she had enough of the antipasto I took her hand and led her from the table to the records, asking her to pick whichever she wanted to listen to.

She flipped through them all, and after careful consideration pulled one out from a band I had never heard before.

"Lord Huron?" I asked, after reading the title.

"Yeah, I listened to them today. I'm surprised they had them here, though it's a huge collection."

"Well let's see what they're like," I remarked, as I took the record from it's sleeve and put it on.

As we took our seats again, we sat in silence for a few minutes to listen.

"It's slow," I commented.

"It picks up, but we can change it," she offered.

"No. Don't be silly. I like it," I smiled.

It wasn't long before Mark arrived again with the entrées, and I thought Wanda was at risk of diving straight into the bowl of risotto by the way she was looking at it. Now that I think of it, it wasn't much different to how I imagined I was looking at her.

We ate in silence for a little while, but it wasn't awkward at all. It was comforting to know that Wanda was as content with me as I was with her, even without any words.

The silence came to an end before long, once Wanda tore herself away from her food.

"So..." she started.

"So..." I mimicked with a smile.

"Tell me about yourself," she asked.

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"Everything," she said, as though it were obvious.

This was the part of dating I struggled with. The romance, and the flirting, that all came easy to me, but being real with someone and letting them in was a different thing all together. I had to remind myself though that this was Wanda, and not just some person. She deserved as much as I could give her right now. I guess Wanda could tell I was struggling a little, so she piped up again.

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