Chapter 56 - Perseverance

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After a fractured sleep and some time to think, Wanda decided to hear Natasha out and allow her to explain what had happened and what Maria was talking about.

Once they had cleared up the timing of everything, and Natasha reassured Wanda that the kiss happened long before anything happened between them, the two agreed to move past the whole thing. Though, Wanda did request that Natasha no longer sleep in her room every night, and Natasha was quite upset about this. She didn't let it show, but it hurt her that Wanda didn't seem to trust her even still, and that she was putting a distance between them now over something that had happened in her history.

All the same, she respected Wanda's wishes and gave her her space. The two still saw each other, but it was less casual. Natasha had stopped assuming Wanda wanted to spend time with her, and instead asked Wanda to make plans, or waited for Wanda to ask her. The closer it grew to Wanda's birthday, the more she seemed to withdraw from Natasha, and it was really starting to concern the redhead. She understood Wanda would need time, but she was becoming afraid of losing her completely.

"So your birthday is in a few days," Natasha remarked casually one evening.

Wanda had just walked out of the bathroom as the two were about to watch a movie in her room. She stiffened at the mention of her birthday, but didn't respond.

Natasha continued, "So, have you got any idea what you would like to do?"

"Um- I don't think I want to do anything," Wanda replied as she took her spot on the bed.

"You love birthdays, Wanda," Natasha reminded her.

"Well, I'm just not really feeling it this year."

"Oh," Natasha replied, "Well we can order in or something maybe?"

"I think I might just take the day," Wanda said quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"Take the day to myself. Read and stuff."

"Right. Sounds good," Natasha faked a smile, "Whatever you want."

"Thanks," Wanda replied as she passed Natasha the remote, "Your turn to pick."

The movie saved the two from the awkwardness of having to speak, but when the credits rolled the feelings they had hadn't gone away. Natasha was still not understanding what was going on with her girlfriend, and Wanda really didn't want to have to explain. She had hoped Natasha wouldn't have needed her to, but could tell there was a question on the tip of her tongue.

Wanda didn't want to give her the chance to ask, so yawned loudly and turned to Natasha, "I'm pretty tired, would you mind?"

"Of course not," Natasha smiled weakly as she got off the bed. Wanda got up and followed her as she headed for the door. The two hadn't been sleeping together in any capacity since their fight. Natasha missed the sex for sure, but more than anything she missed the feeling of Wanda snuggled into her back, the noise of her breathing muffled in whatever Natasha was wearing, and most of all she missed waking up to her girlfriend every morning.

She didn't know how to put this right at all, and every attempt to reduce the distance between them only seemed to make Wanda pull away more. As they approached the door she turned, and took one of Wanda's hands in her own.

"You know I love you right?"

"I know," Wanda replied.

"Like really love you, Wanda."

Wanda nodded, and after a moment replied, "I love you too."

Natasha pulled Wanda to her in a hug and held her tightly, Wanda did reciprocate but not as fiercely. She did feel bad, keeping Natasha at a distance, but it was a hard time for her and she was still angry about all that had happened. It wasn't Natasha's fault, at the end of the day Wanda understood that Natasha had a life before her. However, she didn't account for her ex being so involved in their life now.

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