Chapter 24 - Out in the Open

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Wanda woke alone in the bed, only rousing when she reached over in her sleep and found nothing but empty space. She stretched, and blinked in the sunlight streaming in through the bedroom window. Outside she could see the clear blue skies and the lush green grass of the surrounding farmland, and found herself very content in where she was.

A few moments later there was a light knock on the bedroom door, and Wanda straightened up as Natasha walked in with a couple of coffee cups in her hands.

"I wasn't sure if you were up yet," Natasha smiled as she closed the door behind her with her foot.

"Just barely," Wanda laughed as she scooted over to make room for Natasha to sit.

As she joined Wanda in the bed, Natasha handed her over a cup and the two women looked out the window together as they drank.

"It's so beautiful here," Wanda remarked dreamily.

"It really is," Natasha agreed.

"Am I the last to get up?" Wanda asked.

"You might be," Natasha smiled, "But it's fine, they're all early risers here and it's not very late."

"I would apologise, but I feel like I've had the best sleep that I've had in a while so I don't have any regrets," Wanda remarked, turning to look at Natasha, "How about you?"

Natasha flushed a little red in her cheeks, and nodded in agreement, drinking her coffee to avoid speaking.

"How come you didn't wake me when you got up?"

Natasha shrugged, "You looked really peaceful, so I didn't want to disturb you."

"I don't think you could ever disturb me Natasha."

Natasha turned from the window to see Wanda looking at her thoughtfully. Wanda leaned over to the bedside cabinet and set down her warm cup, before turning to face Natasha properly, sitting cross legged on the bed.

"Natasha, I want to say something."

Natasha gulped, but tried to play it cool.

"Sure, Wanda. Go ahead."

"I've been thinking a lot, you know about you and I, and whatever is going on between us."

She paused, waiting for Natasha to stop her, but she didn't so Wanda continued.

"I know you keep saying that you're afraid to hurt me, which is very noble of you, and I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I'm not as fragile as you think. Mostly, thanks to you. You came into my life when I needed you most, and with your help I've found myself again, which I can never thank you enough for."

Wanda reached out and took Natasha's free hand in her own, and Natasha let her.

"I also think that you know this already Natasha, but what you're really worried about is that I'm going to hurt you."

Natasha went to object, but realised that it was pointless, so closed her mouth again and let Wanda continue.

"I don't think I've actually told you this already, but I won't hurt you. Natasha Romanoff, I have no intentions to break your heart, and wouldn't forgive myself if I did. So now I've said that, I also want to say that I've tried to move on, and tried to stop thinking about you, and I really have tried to just be your friend, but I don't think I can, and I know I don't want to."

Natasha finally spoke but quietly, "I don't want you to either."

A smile danced across Wanda's lips, "Well look at us, finally on the same page."

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