Chapter 27 - By the Bar Lights

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Natasha POV

As much as being away from Wanda wasn't ideal, I couldn't help but smile when I stepped off the jet. Vitoria-Gasteiz was an incredibly beautiful place, and I had to admit that I was happy to be back in Europe again, but only for a little while. I hadn't been able to land in the city itself, but after a call to Rick he'd organised a quiet farm for me to touch down by, and a car to get me to a safe house he had in the city. In my line of work, it really helps to have connections.

While I was flying, the tablet had pinged with some more intel from Maria, and as much as she was annoying me right now, any help in finding Rumlow was greatly appreciated. I wanted to get back to Wanda as soon as I could. Rather than wallowing about how much I missed her, I decided that I may as well enjoy myself a little, so after driving into the city I took myself off to a quiet bar near the safe house to go over what Maria had sent me.

After ordering, I took a seat away from the bar in a quiet corner, and began scanning over the files. Rumlow had been spotted again, and had taken himself to France as of this afternoon. I was thankful for the drink, if he kept moving like this I for sure would be following him all over the continent. As I was in the middle of a particularly large gulp to finish the glass, I heard a small cough which took my attention away from the tablet and instead to the waitress who was stood in front of me.

She began speaking in Spanish, and I found myself embarrassed when I realised my Spanish had slipped a little. I had been spending too much time around English speaking Americans. As my face went a little red, the waitress laughed and instead just asked, "English?"

"I'm so embarrassed, I guess my Spanish is a little rusty," I explained.

She laughed again, but thankfully her laugh wasn't directed at me and my ignorance.

"Can I get you another?" she asked, her tone suggested this is what she had been asking me before. Of course it was, I'm in a bar and she's a waitress.

"Yeah, sure," I replied with a smile.

She walked off to the bar, and before I could open another file she was back. I went to reach for my wallet to grab some Euros to pay, but she waved her hand.

"This one is on me," she smiled.

"Oh I couldn't really," I remarked, as I kept looking for my wallet.

She placed her hand on mine to stop me, and I looked up at her.

"Please," she insisted, "It would be my honour to buy a woman as beautiful as yourself a drink."

I could feel my cheeks on fire, and I didn't know how to respond so I didn't really. My hand stayed put, and I just looked at her. I was very aware of the weight of her hand on mine, and I could feel my hand underneath start to clam up, but she didn't seem to mind. After what felt like forever, she smiled and turned to walk back to the bar, stopping at a table to lift some empty glasses on the way. It was only then that I noticed she and I were the only two left inside.

I checked my watch, it was almost 1am. I started to pack up my stuff, and took sips of my drink while doing so. She noticed, and called over, "You're in no rush."

"Don't be silly, " I replied, "It's very late, I'm sure you would like to get home."

She shrugged in reply. Okay then. I still kept gathering my things, and stood up.

"Please, stay and enjoy your drink," I looked up and she was back at the table. A drink of her own in one hand, and another for me in the other. She set them down and gestured to the empty chair opposite me.

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