Chapter 25

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A/N: I'm dipping my toe back into writing. I know, I know it has been 5 years or so since I last touched this. I so appreciated the reviews and PMs asking me to continue this story – it truly meant a lot. Unfortunately, life just got in the way. I know so much has happened since my last chapter. . . Naya Rivera is no longer with us, Demi was almost not with us, we are living through a pandemic which has been isolating and stifling at times. My life has once again turned upside down, but writing is therapy. I'm looking forward to re-connecting with you, my readers, and hopefully do justice to this story. I will say it has also been nice to be inspired to write again. Just know that this story is not a dash to the finish line; I want to take pride in my work and take you all along with me for the journey. I have many ideas for future chapters and can't wait to get those down on paper and share them with you. As always looking for constructive feedback so I can grow as a writer. Peace and love!



Santana stirred feeling the warmth of her girl on her frontside. She drew her in closer so there was no space existed between them. Demi took Santana's hand and interlaced it with hers as she sighed at the feeling of being wrapped in Santana's arms.

"What do you have on tap today?" Demi purred.

"Well . . . I do need to call Quinn this morning and check in."

"Mmmmkay– why don't you do that while I grab a shower?"

"Sounds like a plan."

Santana enjoyed the view as she watched as her girlfriend sauntered into the bathroom. After Demi closed the door, Santana decided that she better get this over with. She had lost the bet to Quinn and she was ready to come to terms with the consequences. Whatever it was, having Demi as her girlfriend was more than worth it.

Santana played with her hair as she dialed Quinn's number.

"There you are my little sleepy head. You have fun last night?" Quinn's tone said she already knew the answer to that question.

"Well, if you must ask . . . yes, yes I did."

"I believe you owe me a wish."

"Yeah, yeah . . . what is it?"

"I'm about to grab a coffee – why don't you meet me at Grindhouse then you can come pick up your kiddos."

"Fiiiine." Santana was not looking forward to whatever Quinn had in store.

"See you in 15 . . ."

Santana lightly knocked on the bathroom door. "Demi? Hey, Demi?"

"Yes, babe?"

"I'm going to go grab us some coffee and pick up the kids. It shouldn't take me long."

"Ok – I'll miss you."

Santana grinned. "I will miss you, too, babe."

Santana jumped into her car and headed to meet Quinn. Being the first to arrive, she grabbed a booth and scrolled through emails on her phone to bide the time until Quinn got there . Shortly thereafter she felt something hit her chest. As she looked down, she realized it was a shirt that was an awful shade of fluorescent yellow.

"What the hell, Quinn?"

"That's my wish."

"What's your wish?"

"You, in that shirt, for a week straight. You also can't stay at home the whole week. I took the liberty of getting it printed when we made the bet since I knew I would win. Go ahead . . . see what it says."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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